When a house fire is called to the emergency services, they react right away to find the owner unconscious and burned from trying to save her beloved pets. With the owner sent to hospital, the dog’s are rescued as soon as possible but the worries don’t end there.
From wounded pelicans to horses in jeopardy, Australia’s RSPCA are here to do everything they can to save the day. With amazing stories of bravery, empathy and courage, Animal Rescue is unlike anything you’ve seen.
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#Pets&Vets #animalrescue #dogs
This is why I unplug all my applicants before I leave my dog home alone. Paranoid? Yup. Do I care? Nope.
please stop donating to that scam for ukraine, stop donating to big organizations period! they are a money laundering scheme. if you really want to do something good, donate to LOCAL organizations or help a neighbor that can't pay the bills… buy extra food and go give that to people that need it…
Just heartbroken for Jane. What a brave woman to risk her life for her dogs. I understand completely. I'm so glad she survived. All the dogs would've surely perished if not for her bravery. It was also wonderful how other breeders stepped in to care for her dogs while she recovered. So sorry for the dogs she lost.
A good and loving owner/breeder..you can tell that by her going back in again and again for them until she put herself at risk and the wonderful condition of every one of those dogs..the Cavalier King Charles (wonder if there will be a boost in the breed now) had good open faces with normal noses and not squished like some poor breeders..the Spaniels and Boxer pups were great too.. I'm sure she us heartbroken by losing 7 dogs including Magnus..but she did well to get out the ones she did and the brilliant fire brigade did the rest..
If everyone treated their animals the way treats her dogs, this world would be all the britter. 🥰
This woman is who should be breeding dogs. She’s so …amazing
A nice happy ending for the animals rescued
That kitten was a proper chunk. That fire was traumatic for everyone. So awful.
Happy endings for all! This was a nice episode.
Name that precious kitten Houdini.
The Guinea Pig search needs a thermal camera. Wouldn’t that help?