Crime, violence, and fist-fights among young adults plaguing Otay Ranch neighborhood

Crime, violence, and fist-fights among young adults plaguing Otay Ranch neighborhood
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Residents and community members of Otay Ranch said they’ve had enough of the area’s crime, violence, and fights involving children and young adults.

“My friend’s son was the latest victim who was jumped at the mall,” said Erykah Garrett.

Garrett referred to numerous incidents involving students of nearby schools at Otay Ranch Town Center Mall.



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About the Author: CBS 8 San Diego


  1. I have an idea how about you cry about defunding the police again and why don't you leave the border a little wider open I don't think it's open wide enough for the gang members and cartel members that come across and cause havoc all you idiots that vote for this stuff you're getting what you wanted

  2. Well I can tell you the crime starts from Santa Venetia and you Olympic Parkway Place isn't what it used to be it once was nice now it's gone downhill figure out where all the bad is coming from not hard to and that started about 3 years back

  3. This because this area has a huge amount of criminal organizations and their kids obviously live with them so this is what they turn into overpriced housing and criminal organizations

  4. Keep voting for democrats, pendejos.
    Defund the police that you liberal idiots supported is coming to fruition😆
    Don’t flee to my state though. You MF’ers enjoy Biden/Harris/Newsom regime.
    Enjoy your high crime and BS lockdowns.

  5. This is the society we get when parents are too busy working to feed their kids instead of raising them properly. This is will only get worse if the top 1% keeps squeezing the rest of us. WARNING to the rich…keep up the greed and you and your loved ones won’t be able to escape it.

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