Clips of people with bright ideas who are wondering what in the world went wrong. Subscribe for more compilations!
Clips of people with bright ideas who are wondering what in the world went wrong. Subscribe for more compilations!
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1:32 Dang is that lady okay?! She hit her head pretty hard.
The WillNE button🥶
POV: your here from wills video to see people potentially dying
Bitch on the ladder dead
1:33 this is why i dont trust ladders
This might sound racist and am sorryy if it is but, havent seen one black person throughout this vid Some of us dont do dumb shit.
1:33 – that's a fuckin oof
Why would someone be recording a ladder fail unless they knew something was going to happen? I could never figure these out.
Hendrickson Trucking is now hiring experienced cdl A driver!
Anyone notice the lady that fell on her head has a really messy house
do not ever try to climb a stair alone, it is stupid
1:34 ouch, geez I hope she's ok after that 😟
1:33 she's fucking dead
2:33 Fortnite be like
That first one tho XD
I just put the 1000 comment 😘😘😘😘😘😆😆😆😆😁😁😄
I’m the 1000th comment because the is 999 can comments
1:34, headbutt that floor.
El pirata alv like si eres mexicano