3 Girls Animal Rescue marked their 10-year anniversary by closing, citing a “saturation of animals at shelters” and low adoption rates.
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The pets pay the price of selfish pet owners. Wish it could be the other way around.
I hope this woman remembers all the animals she has saved. Som many generous people like this always fell they haven't done enough even though thry have done so much…….FYI when aniamls go into a shelter in Australia they MUSt be neutered before adopted out.
One for the algorithm, hope this video reaches the right souls 🙏
Jesus only you can help us now. Please Jesus help these animals on earth…. give strength to those who help them on earth.
I am so sad for these animals. This breaks my heart…people will never change and human beings are terrorists to every living creature on this planet. HUMANS should be spayed and neutered, and homeless humans should be euthanized! Why not? Disgusting human beings are allowed to terrorize every other creature on this planet but they don't think that homeless humans shouldn't die? Apparently homeless dogs that humans brought into this world should die so why don't the homeless humans die too? What's good for the goose…..should be good for the hypocrite.
Please spay and neuter!
This is terrible! God bless her and the puppies!
omg. people get ur pets spayed and neutered. God Bless this woman.
Endless money for wars, death, destruction and division, yet very little for life, liberty and Common Unity! What a super, duper "good job" Two Party Pinnochio Politicians and Satanic Scumbags! Presstitutes of Propaganda Prop these Luciferian Lunatics UP!
Praying that all these animals find a forever home or foster..
Calling it a 'business' is insulting to this wonderful woman.
I am so sorry.
so sad to hear this may they find help
Heartbreaking!! Please help these angels in need….
I hope things work out so she can find some peace. Rescue is hard and giving up rescue is heartbreaking.