Amazing Munich Food Tour – German CRISPY PORK LEG and Attractions in Munich, Germany!

Amazing Munich Food Tour - German CRISPY PORK LEG and Attractions in Munich, Germany!
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Munich is a beautiful city and in this video I’m taking you on a German food tour and we also visited some of the famous attractions and sights in Munich.

Cafe Frischhut – This is a legendary cafe in Munich, known for serving schmalznudel, a savory type of German donu. I thought it was alright, but not must-eat. Total price for 3 people – 16 EUR

Viktualienmarkt Munich – This is one of the best German street food markets in Munich, with plenty of street food stalls to choose from. I tried a classic Bavarian white sausage and pretzel (Weisswurst 5.90 EUR) and leberkässemmel, which is a classic meat loaf sandwich (2.99 EUR). Viktualienmarkt Munich is one of the best places to visit as a food lover in Munich, Germany.

St. Peter’s Church – We then took a walk in St. Peter’s Church, one of the most recognized churches in Munich.

Marienplatz – This is the main center of Munich, and the architecture is stunning.

Hofbräuhaus – If you ask where to eat in Munich, this will no doubt be the number one suggestion, it’s an institution in Munich. It really is an amazing culinary piece of history, a giant beer and food hall where you can eat and drink and fully embrace German food and culture. Total price for 3 people – 64.50 EUR

English Garden (Englischer Garten) – I didn’t know what to expect visiting Munich’s English Garden, but it turned out to be one of the most beautiful parks I’ve ever seen. We stopped to watch the Eisbach Wave, a place in the canal where there’s rushing water and people take turns surfing the waves.

Chinesischer Turm Beer Garden – Finally to end the day we headed over to Chinesischer Turm, probably the most well known of all beer gardens in Munich. It’s a great place to hand out, eat and drink. Total price for 3 people – 45 EUR

I hope you enjoyed this Munich, Germany food and travel guide tour. Munich is a great city to visit and I fully enjoyed our trip.

MUSIC: In My Head, Bavarian Feast –

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About the Author: Mark Wiens


  1. As much as I was shocked by him eating the "Weißwürscht" with the 'skin', I was pleased to see him picking up the bear mug with one hand and opening the "Knödel" the right way.

  2. Nice video
    just some advice if you should ever come to Bavaria again:
    – Don't eat the casing of the Weißwurst (white saussage). You're no supposed to eat that especially since some manufacturers use artificial casing, which is not really harmful to your body, but it might be a bit hard to digest.
    – Try the Leberkäs-Semmel whit sweet mustard. This is the way most Bavarians eat it and in my opinion it's by far the best. It's not like eating it with anything else is wrong, but i personally think sweet mustard is the best. But there are also Bavarians who prefer spicy mustard, katchup or even mayo.
    – I don't know what you do with all the food, because some of these portions are really big, but a lot of waitresses in Germany know how to speak english and usually they are pretty friendly, so if you tell them what you are doing, you might get smaller portions or even sample plates.

  3. Ich komm ja nicht aus Bayern.




  4. You are slipping Mark. You are not even attempting to pronounce Deutsch words with their proper accents. Think Spanish/Mexican. You don't want to come off as being biased. And German folks refer to their homeland as Deutschland.

  5. Not gonna lie. I cringed a little when he ate the skin of the weißwuaschd, though I kind of expected it to happen. Servus aus Australien!

  6. Was ich schlimm finde, dass die meisten Bayern südlich immer Kümmel ins Essen machen müssen. Warum versaut man sich freiwillig damit das Essen.

  7. Scheiß Bazis.. mein Gott, lasst Mark doch seine Wurst essen wie es will ihr Spinner. Typisch Bayern. Deswegen mag euch auch keiner.

  8. You should not eat the white sausage with the sausage casing. And it is not complete, you also need a Weißier with it. With all three parts you have the perfect combination.

  9. uzun sosis kısa sosis beyaz sosis biraz kırmızı ve ondan biraz daha fazla kırmızı sosis ve bira sagjklsadjglsdkşgsd yemek kültürüne bak agnasdlkgjsadlkg üzüldüm :((

  10. Noooo never eat the skin of the Weißwurst! You have to open the skin at the top of the sausage with your teeth and then suck the inside out. In germany it's called zuzeln 🙂

  11. Mark. You are a true pro but this food looks terrible. I don't think many people are lining up at the travel agency for the German food tour. Warm beer and bread they say can raise the dead but it reminds me of the menu at the Holiday Inn. (Courtesy of Jimmy Buffet)

  12. There not one purely Halal thing except the pretzel maybe.I don't know what they used to glaze it and whether any lard was used in its making.

  13. Mark you should consider the point that you have many Muslim viewers as well.Kindly include some Halal spots and dishes in your tours around European countries. Thankyou.

  14. Congratulations Mark. You have matured greatly in your evaluations of food. Every bite is not orgasmic. That said the video is a very good representation of food in Munich. Well done.

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