Amid the lively, cheerful, and sometimes a little strange videos on YouTube, you can find plenty of unsettlingly creepy videos if you dig deep enough. With that, what I bring you today will make you descend into the darkest places YouTube has to offer, where nothing but uncanniness awaits. Here’s a list of chilling scary videos that will haunt your dreams! The entries in this list are eerie, truly hair-raising, and display events that may give you nerve-shattering frights for life — you’ll never see the very world you live in the same again after watching this list of scary videos!
These creepy videos will make you endure deep depths of horror by exposing you to what facing your most deep-seated fears feel like, and how it can harrow you from within, leaving your psyche in absolute ruins. Seriously, watching this scary comp will be nothing short of a nightmarish experience! A terrifying journey that will make you go through both the most chilling and the most nerve-wracking of horror.
If you don’t believe in ghosts, ghouls, phantoms, otherworldly beings, haunted house tales, or paranormal entities, this list of scary videos will likely change your mind. And if you do, these creepy videos will make you shake in your shoes in sheer fear! So, I caution you: The moments you will spend watching this list might be the most spine-chilling minutes of your life. After watching these spooky offerings from the eerie corners of the internet to the end, you may very well spend weeks, even months, in restless nights! Consider yourself cautioned!
This list of creepy videos will deliver a ton of chills, shivery goosebumps, and a kind of strange darkness straight to your psyche. The eeriness these scary videos that I’ve analyzed will unleash is going to haunt you in increasingly menacing ways for weeks to come. Trust me when I say that you do not want to watch these videos right before bed! This list of scary stories will shake you to your core — but you can find comfort in the fact that everything you’re watching is happening on a screen, and not to you in your real life. However, do keep in mind that somewhere out there, someone experienced the events shown in these scary videos firsthand, and you would have been chilled to the core if you were in their shoes.
What makes this countdown of creepy videos probably the scariest of all time is that at least one of its entries, in all likelihood, showcases the very things you’d run away from IRL. So, steer clear of these scary videos if you get frightened easily — you have been cautioned! However, if you feel like you’ve got what it takes to handle the bone-chilling frights that are sure to come your way, you can go right ahead! But I’ll say this… tread lightly, or you’re in for sleepless nights for months to come!
Done watching? That’s great!
Which of these scary videos frightened the living daylights out of you the most? Let me know right below in the comments!
Deleted Account/Reddit
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
jdgehlert (pond5.com)
Entry Timestamps:
0:00 Intro
0:20 Number 30
1:24 Number 29
2:34 Number 28
3:48 Number 27
4:45 Number 26
5:49 Number 25
6:49 Number 24
8:00 Number 23
8:51 Number 22
9:48 Number 21
11:45 Number 20
13:34 Number 19
14:49 Number 18
16:06 Number 17
17:23 Number 16
18:56 Number 15
20:17 Number 14
21:33 Number 13
22:56 Number 12
23:48 Number 11
24:54 Number 10
26:47 Number 9
27:42 Number 8
29:07 Number 7
29:54 Number 6
31:00 Number 5
32:16 Number 4
33:47 Number 3
35:38 Number 2
38:23 Number 1
Hype Mike is the most realist acting ever….really …I totally believe it all…….so realistic….lol
ehh, thats just wendigo in 15
My favourite part is this:
The camera doesn’t moveeeeeeee
If that was a mermaid than it was a mermaid on crack in India never washed up
#15 It’s a call for mating it’s a buck hollering. SMH
Damn. Can't believe this channel's still going. Watched it all the time when I was twelve with my friend. He would stay the night at my place, we would watch your vids, and then he's scared to walk home in the night.
I can’t even, the narrator … who talks like that !
This guys voice makes this unbearable to watch. Whyyyy? Does??? He??? Speak every word in questionnnnn?????
#15 is an Elk
I want to take your voice to the middle of a cornfield, beat it with a baseball bat and burry it. Cool video though 👍
9:07 If it was a "real" Devil, then the video won't be uploaded anymore.
Number 674
Your mom
At 19 minutes and 23 second that is a noise of a deer
Dude stop talking like a dork
2023 and they still recording with potatoes
burger king foot lettuce
22 is hilarious
# 22 clearly has feet…WTF?
#15 is an elk…. looking for a mate. People forget that Deer, Elk, Moose all give out mating calls and they sound really weird.
It haunted my dreams
watching this high asf 😱
I love your voice, Chills
The quality of this channel have been declining in the past 6 months. Now we are watching Snapchat filters activating by themselves. Anything for views tho I guess.
Chills: "I've got a challenge for you…" (Skip to 38:45).
“Ground me if you want nothing will un** the thanksgiving turkey”
28 is probably some 🛸 👽
Yes a wet plate sliding off a table is definitely going to haunt my dreams
#15 sounds like a skill saw, if you was home.
i'm still wondering. do you speak like this on purpose?
Number 28 was definitely not taken from a traffic cam, it moves too much and you see the window sill where it is someone filming from inside a house, number 26 is also moving and no time stamp so obviously not from a security camera
15 is an elk
ive really saw things in my apartment I can hands down say that there is a spirit world I saw it
I love this guy channel at 11:05
#15 sounds like an elk bull .
love the videos but why do you speak like forest gump on commentary?
No14: Focker Donkey 🤭😂
its so funny when u watch ur scream. good job chills keep it up
5:50 I actualy got scared by her face💀
Number 15
#11 – it's just a cycling high pressure sodium bulb.
On number 6, I think it was a spirit
I like his voice
Number 15 is an elk
Love your videos chills there s0ooky ND weird ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Number 16is tresspassing
0:09 Paranormal Activity?