Riders Republic PS5 Review: Try-Hard Extreme Sports Sandbox Is a Technical Feat

Riders Republic PS5 Review: Try-Hard Extreme Sports Sandbox Is a Technical Feat
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#RidersRepublic #PS5 #Review

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  1. Respectfully, steeze is a uniquely ski and snow park word that has worked its way into all aspects of extreme sports. I actually tip my hat to the developers and research team for finding such specific lingo found in terrain parks all over the world.

  2. Many riders and skateboarders do say steez unironically quite a bit, but the way they talk in Riders Republic comes across as a 50 year old boomer trying to relate to his kids. Absolute cringe.

  3. Being grumpy about “steez” in an extreme sports game is like being mad at Star Wars because a character is named Chewbacca.

  4. Steep was a far far better game than this. Riders Republic is just throw shit at the wall and see what sticks. For every good thing it has there's 3 garbage ones.

  5. Haha it’s funny hearing reviewers complain about the dialogue…if you had actually spent any time with a group of snowboarders you would realise it’s not actually much of a stretch…dude.

  6. The reviewe has just never gotten steezey before. The feeling is real and its rad. I wish you would open your mind and learn the way but it seems your closed mind has trapped you. I can't forgive you for making fun of the word steez but hopefully.if there is a god. he judges you fairly. It is my moral obligation to dislike and I sincerely hope you repent for these blasphemous words.

  7. So basically, if it was made by literally anybody but Ubisoft, it'd be recommendable. But I can't justify buying a game that's monetized like a F2P game that Ubisoft has a habit of doing.

  8. Would anyone recommend this for a casual gamer and someone who isn't huge into extreme sports? I really like the look of this but if I was to get it I would only play it now and again, just something different because I lack any sports games.

  9. Absolutely love this game !! The only thing I don't like though is not being able to do a wheelie. I'm hoping that will come with the BMX content 👍

  10. The review fails to mention that the ‘entire open world populated by thousands of players coexisting in the same space’ is done with data driven by previous players’ movements. It’s an incredible tech feat and really works to make it feel alive. Your wording makes it sound like they’re all online players. They’re ghosts essentially, with a handful of players online.

    Also, whilst in no way defending the strained extreme sports vernacular, it’s really not that overbearing in this game.
    I’ve always HATED that kind of writing (and avoided games where it mostly dominates the atmosphere), but RR limits it to rare radio chatter and upgrade moments. It’s also in the mass online events, but, again, limited.

    …also, if you’re going to bemoan the audio, why not mention the soundtrack? Featuring Thom Yorke, Boards of Canada, Slow Thai, Ugly Duckling, Chaka Khan, Jamie XX, Squarepusher, Aphex Twin…

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