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❗️ INFO ❗️
These videos are solely used for education purposes on road safety and how better conduct yourself on the road.
This video is only for educational purposes and was done to document the traffic risk factors! We do not encourage the actions contained in this episode !!! Ride Safe!
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#streetfights, #roadragefights, #publicfights
stop censoring everything
Man .. people who disrespect motorcyclists is ridiculous. A car can be considered a deadly weapon insofar as it is an instrument that can be used in a way to cause substantial, significant or great bodily injury or death.
Why people insist on being ahole behind a wheel is beside me.
These are old from other people's videos….
Most bikers act like they are just BEGGING to be pinned under a car.
Bikers thinking they own roads. Most need a slap. Oh I got a go pro
Bikers are legit d bags
Why is almost every new age rider a self centered twat? Gives real bikers a bad image…