Part 1: After massive tidal waves strike the East Coast, a team of scientists confers to discover the reason behind the devastating phenomenon. Among them is nuclear arms expert John McAdams and scientist Sophie Marleau who believe that the cataclysms are terrorist-triggered undersea missiles.
Watch Part 2 here: https://youtu.be/OXwVhZ41Nc8
Angus MacFadyen
Karine Vanasse
Louis-Philippe Dandenault
John Robinson
Tom Skerritt
Stephen McHattie
Ellen David
Directed by Bruce Mcdonals
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Watch Part 2 here: https://youtu.be/OXwVhZ41Nc8
i don't like movies where the main character is a self indulged asshole
Okay now, I have heard of Robert the Bruce. But my question is, What is "THE BRUCE?" I don't get it.
That Tsunami or Tidal Wave didn't even look real.
1st prize for the most boring disaster movie ever produced.
I'm fifteen minutes in and I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for some semblance of a plot to emerge, or perhaps even a likeable character or a coherent line of dialogue. I won't stick around much longer, but then, I doubt I'll be missing much.
whqt year was this movie on
Good Guys . Bad Guys . Scientists . And , of course , the Feds are gumming it all up .
Oh , yeah . Waves . That's all . Apologies for any spoilers !
I M H O : Skip it all and click Part 2 NOW !
This was a very good movie 🎥.
Soooo, did they make it in the boat? Shyt man.🤬
Plant Trees!!
August 12, 2022
The more trees who die, the less oxygen you will have, and the hotter the temperatures will be because there will not be leaf coverage to cover over the height of human habitation to reduce temperatures. You must remember that unlike trees, man-made objects, like metal boxes to cars to buildings, absorb solar energy and release it as heat into the air. It is not just the gases from combustion and the heat from hot motors (petroleum and HVAC motors), but ALSO the heat-radiating characteristic of man-made object surfaces that raise the temperature of the air. A great example of this are cars and trucks standing outside in the sunlight. How hot is the body surface? What about leaves and branches of a tree – are they hot to the touch?? Whatever solar energy man-made objects absorb, they will radiate it. That includes solar panels. THAT is what is happening right now. You will probably have to disassemble and destroy a lot of heat radiating technologies such as cars, trucks, buildings, AND the blacktop/sidewalk surfaces by deconstituting the elements and returning them to mine sites and reburying them, and put trees back in those places in order to bring temperatures down (and bring in rainfall).
It is getting to where trees are treated as ornaments of beauty instead of living beings who provide numerous critical functions while alive – cooling the air at human height by providing shade, providing oxygen, and making rainfall more likely to happen through transpiration of water vapor during photosynthesis. Trees brings rainfall activity, while deserts take it away because there is NOTHING to contribute to the formation of rain clouds, bringing rain. Also, the presence of moisture and trees will narrow down the range of temperature fluctuations that happen over a 24-hour period. Essentially, entire cities act as small deserts, since there is relatively little vegetation/tree coverage. Cities are even worse than deserts in this regard ALSO because of man-made objects' heat-radiating characteristic.
What can we do in the meantime? Can we grow trees to cover narrow roads and grow vines that grow leaves during spring to cover the roads overhead ahead of the summer months? Can we build vine structures over the majority of buildings for a similar reason? We have to have a way of bringing temperatures down by removing as many man-made objects from contact with the sun as possible in any way we can. It is ridiculous to see 120+ degree F temperatures. Kuwait is starting to become unliveable because of these temperatures. You'll see the Ethiopian Desert normally hit 122 degrees, and it has hit 140 degrees. Even worse is the Lut Desert in Iran, which see temperatures of nearly 160 degrees! American Meteorological Society claims a reading of about 177 degrees. There, electronics stop working very quickly, and you can only be out of the car for two minutes maximum. ACs in many cars quit working. Shoes melt.
Assuming that we have started to take apart the technologies such as cars, vehicles, etc. and started planting trees and covering up buildings and roads to shield them from the sun, how then would we deal with the nature of "green energy?" The fact is, if we carry out these actions, then solar energy could become unreliable for substantial power generation because the vegetation, including trees, would then bring on more periods of rain, which would in turn impact the number of days of availability of full sunshine. It remains to be seen what would be the impact on winds by such vegetation, even if the windmills are built with propellers far above the tree tops because of the potential for the moderation of the Earth's temperature across its surface relative to today's present scenario. We may have to examine what wind conditions were like thousands of years ago through descriptions of such in ancient writings in areas that were not yet deforested. I recognize that this might not resemble the scenario in which we regreen as much of today's deforested areas as possible. This may also have an unseen impact on wind energy as a reliable source of energy.
I believe the key is reducing the level of technology we have, which can reduce the impact of mining, drilling, and harvesting on the Earth, as well as remove sources of heat generation as described earlier.
the ending was stupid. why would you think you can get over the wave
EVERY time I see Tom Skerritt I think of ALIEN !
Every time I see Stephen McHattie I think of BEAUTY and the BEAST !
So these idiots in the beginning of the movie do NOT know what a tsunami is ?
Get up and run as fast as u can. Don't just stand there.
This movie is a propaganda film for global warming. They call it climate change now because global warming was false. Climate change is also a false narrative to control the masses. The whole covid lockdown thing was nothing but social control orders to see how folks would react to it. If you still believe government authorities are looking out for you you need therapy.
More global warming BS terror tactics…. Proven FACT… The ocean level is the same now as it was in 1620
LOL LOL Really, We Know its all about control and money; wouldn't you agree!
just like usa likes to use tech to create crimes in other countries ….also gov of liars criminels are doing crazy manipulation and will accuse others of doing it …movies are hidden truth to clear up
He obviously isn't very knowledgable on the how the Romans did
I will just watch the movie without the captions to avoid your foul language. Even though I will miss much of what is really going on because of it. I hope you learn that not all people want to hear or see such foul language in movies!!!!
Whoever does the CC's this is for you! Why did you add to the captions using God's name in vain???? Did you just want to ruin the movie for me and others? I watched this whole movie and there was no bad content, bad language, until the last few minutes of part one of the movie???? It's not the first movie I have watched that I know that cussing was added to the captions as I had seen certain movie/movies and there was no foul language in the original language of the movie/movies!!!! Shame on you!!!! I hope you repent while there is still time for you to do so. Oh in case you don't know what that means. It means to ask Jesus Christ for forgiveness!!!! Try it, if you are sincere you will find it works!!!!
Yes this IS a movie but in real life if you ever see the water from your beach start to leave and go back out to sea……LEAVE AS FAST AS POSSIBLE & TRY TO GET TO HIGHER GROUND ASAP !!!
A huge wave is going to come in & take out anything in it's path. No joke.
Here's some popcorn & soda's for the folks here in the comments sections & for the buds who let us watch the
K👀L movies here.
That was the dumbest ending. How do you end a movie like that!?
Another conditioning of the mind……….preconditioning ……forcing it down our troaths…untill lies become the new truth.
… OIL ???
Young College Kids ARE NOT supposed to die that early in the film…..
they are really trying to sell the whole climate change/global warming nonsense