She handled ha big ass know she stink red boxers u got ate up
they have no class, no self respect or respect for others. they dont have empathy for others either. just anger and overly inflated egos mixed with varying level of narcissism.
Big girl was actually swinging
That big girl is knocked kneed.
Beautiful Ebony Queens smh
Big yella had her running ๐๐๐
LOL @ 2:37 some dude states, I aint breakin' them up! Why? Cause her titties are flopping around!
Why do black folks always crowd around fights?
swining titty jiggle. yucky!
You dont keep backing up thats how you fall or get rushed step to the sides
The one in the red shorts whooped ass moving slow in all PERIOD!!!
She handled ha big ass know she stink red boxers u got ate up
they have no class, no self respect or respect for others. they dont have empathy for others either. just anger and overly inflated egos mixed with varying level of narcissism.
Big girl was actually swinging
That big girl is knocked kneed.
Beautiful Ebony Queens smh
Big yella had her running ๐๐๐
LOL @ 2:37 some dude states, I aint breakin' them up! Why? Cause her titties are flopping around!
Why do black folks always crowd around fights?
swining titty jiggle. yucky!
You dont keep backing up thats how you fall or get rushed step to the sides
The one in the red shorts whooped ass moving slow in all PERIOD!!!