Animal Homosexuality – Animals Like Us

Animal Homosexuality - Animals Like Us
Spread The Viralist

For years, scientists ignored or denied that homosexuality occurred in the animal world. But recent scientific research has revealed that more than 450 different kinds of animals engage in homosexual activity. We have taken the results of this research, and combined it with never-before-seen footage, to produce this compelling and groundbreaking documentary. This documentary explores the various ways homosexuality is expressed in the animal kingdom among many species including dolphins, killer whales, seals, penguins, Japanese macaques and many more. It is also revealed that in the natural world homosexuality does not necessarily cause marginalization.

Directed by Bertrand LOYER, Jessica MENENDEZ and Stéphane ALEXANDRESCO


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About the Author: Best Documentary


  1. Все это непроверенные выдумки, что бы оправдать гомосексуализм среди людей? Если вы считаете, что люди опустились до уровня безмозглых обезьян, то это ужасно((( Дальше смотреть и слышать ваш бред не буду.😮

  2. People like you trying to justify what God calls an abomination is not cool. Most species whether apes, monkeys, or other animals are monogomous and hetero. There is only a small few in any species or type, who actually are either unfaithful to their partner, or induldge in same sex situations. Tell the TRUTH!

  3. None of your examples shown what humans define as homosexuality. Friendships? Yes. Community forming to raise young? Yes.. but nit mating for life with same sex..

  4. The most ridiculous LGBTQ Propaganda I’ve ever seen. Animals don’t do things out of lust and passion. If you don’t know why animals are doing it for the exception of some primates then pick of a book. This will give you nothing but assumptions. It’s about dominance and males don’t penetrate. Dominance, Dominance, Dominance!

  5. Ce documentaire est un vrai mensonge, il veut juste manipuler les gens. D’abord au début de la vidéo, il y a cette sorte de singe où il font tous ce geste lorsqu’ils panique de quelque chose ( ils se touchent le derrière mais pas de sexualité) seconde chose, il existe une grande différence entre l’être humain et l’animal ( c’est la distinction des choses, le pouvoir de différencier le bien du mal, entre juste est faux.) le libre choix que Dieu nous accorder et de savoir bien utiliser cette arme. Ensuite tu veux faire n’importe quoi de ta vie et perdre tes repères, libre à toi mais subies aussi tes conséquences de toutes tes actes.

  6. LGBT community is screaming from every corner that sex preferences are not a choice.. where in this very video you shown that indeed animals are not born to be just one way or another.

  7. You did not show a single case where animals only engages in same sex activities. However today young humans are told that if you have same sex expirinence, they must be programmed to be gay. We put socal pressure to brainwash youngsters to asume they can't be just having fun…we tell them they are born to be gay…which is totaly wrong. There is a trend to make it facionable to be gay and there is a brainwash that implant a thought that if you once had a samesex experience that you are gay and must stay that way. My grandson told me that if a teenager has oral sex with another boy. It turns him into gay. This is tge trend that pouts youngsters minds.

  8. God created the world beautifully. God also created Adam and Eve, but not Adam and Steve. When greg came and the first people sinned, the earth was cursed and sin passed into all creation

  9. Okay here's a question, do the alphas of the group show homosexual behavior as well? Because my pets (dogs, rabbits) try to hump me all the time and I think it's because they're sexually frustrated (I'm a male btw)

  10. بعد أن تبجح الإنسان بعقله ووعيه وتعاليه على الأنواع الأخرى ها هو ذا ينزل إلى مستواها ويعجب بسلوكها الجنسي ويقلدها في المثلية ومضاجعة الصغار( بما فيهم الرضع !!!) لماذا لا يتقدم في طريق خاص به (تأكيدا للعقل والوعي اللذين يتباها بهما ) دون أخذ أنواع أخرى مرجعية له؟؟ الإنسان كائن فاشل حائر في تحديد طبيعته!!!

  11. Es un mito e invento de los hombres, la "homosexualidad" en los animales no existe ellos no tienen conciencia para esa perversión como los hombres o mujeres inmorales de hoy en día, ellos lo hacen por otras causas, yo tengo gatas y nunca han hecho eso y también las hembras lo hacen a veces, si veo que mis gatas se arriman la carita pero, no es para darse un "besito" es que se huelen la boca y después se saborean con la lengua como diciendo "me olió a mi comida" los gatos, los perros lo hacen y animales silvestres o salvajes libres y enjaulados lo hacen pero, no lo hacen por el pecado de homosexualidad que ha existido en la perversa humanidad que es pecado ante Dios ya lo dijo Él y que hay que respetar a la gente que se hizo así, si hay que respetarla porque la gente hace lo que quiere pero, que es pecado ante Dios lo es.

  12. We had a gay guinea pig. He went after another male who wasn't interested. He finally settled on a female who was also appealing to the other male.

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