Man's Near Death Experience Erases 42 Years Of Doubt About The Existence Of God – Jason Janas

Man's Near Death Experience Erases 42 Years Of Doubt About The Existence Of God - Jason Janas
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Jason Janas had a profound near-death experience in 2020 after contracting COVID-19 and developing tumors in his lungs that later ruptured, causing him to drown in his own blood.

Watch as Jason talks about his life leading up to his and during his NDE, and the messages he continues to receive.

👉 Bonus footage from this interview:

📖 Our favorite NDE and STE related books:
– Dying to Be Me:
– Vistas of Infinity:
– Voyages into the Unknown:
– The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences:

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0:00 Introduction to Jason and his childhood
01:07 Why he abandoned religion
01:40 Coughing up blood, passing out, then waking up in the ICU
02:09 The presence in the ICU room
03:58 When Jason begged for his life
04:32 Leaving his body
05:32 Enveloped in light
07:15 Meeting Jesus
08:00 Insights from his NDE experience
13:10 Having another spontaneous out of body experience
15:18 An unusual visitor – Archangel Michael
21:36 Jason’s new understanding of love, the universe, and our reality
26:26 Conclusion

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Stock footage licensed through Descript.

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About the Author: Untethered Consciousness


  1. I am going to be 29 in a few days, and I wish, God I wish so badly to get a glimpse of what home is like, or to meet an angel. I hope that some day, I get my chance

  2. I dont have more doubts.
    We are millenary Spirits
    In new edition.
    Essa não é a primeira vez que estamos aqui.
    Já vivemos muitas vidas com muitas pessoas diferentes da nossa atual família.
    Voltamos em novos corpos para continuar nossa evolução espiritual.
    O aprendizado nunca termina.










  3. Joseph Smith taught this doctrine from the beginning (that we "are gods"). Yet people called him a false prophet, blasphemer and a polygamist. He did NOT practice polygamy.
    The scriptures you are looking for are psalm 82, John 10, Romans 8, revelation 3.
    Now go and read the Book of Mormon. And the books of Abraham and Moses found in "the pearl of great price".
    The book of Mormon will show you and anyone else how to have a personal, face to face meeting with Jesus Christ; just as it did me.

  4. I fed myself with the love of this. The ONLY thing I'm scared of in this type of testimonies is when they state "you didn't do anything wrong, you can't do anything wrong". Is this like crushing the morality? Can I pierce my neighbors with an axe and say they chose it? It was their destiny. And it was a maturing experience for me. Or is there a deeper meaning in the nothing's-wrong-statement?

  5. I’m having a hard time with the revelation he shares that “nothing is bad”. If no act is bad, then what keeps us from committing heinous things like murder? Also, if he rejected Christianity, how does that square with his encounter with Jesus?

  6. 저는 기독교와 돈은 절대로 같이 못 간다고 생각합니다.

    그 이유는 오늘 날 빈부격차가 너무 심하기 때문입니다.

    정말 저처럼 논리적이면 생각을 해보세요.

    저에게는 빵이 1000000개 있어요 그쵸?

    굳이 계산 안 해도 저희 부모님 집 팔고 작은 집 이사 가면 빵 10000000개 나오죠?

    감으로도 알 수 있습니다.

    그런데 빵이 1개가 없는 애들이 많아요.

    그 아이들을 모른체 하고 심판대 앞에서 가서 예수에게 본인은 지구에서 이웃 사랑을 실천하다가 왔다고 말을 한다?

    굉장히 위험한 도박입니다.

    그 도박이 먹힌다는 논리라면 저도 이 정보 도박 했습니다.

    먹힐 리가 없습니다.

    그래서 저도 예수에게 항복한 것입니다.

    저 어렸을 때 외국 살았거든요?

    어느 할머니께서 저를 대사관 몰래 숨겨주고 먹여주고 재워줬어요.

    그 할머니는 불법을 했죠?

    그런데 저는 그 할머니에게 오히려 감사하고 은인으로 생각하죠?

    즉, 뭐다?

    제가 불법을 할지언정 제가 아이들 불법 선박을 이용해 몰래 한국으로 데려와도 그 아이들은 저에게 고맙다고 할 것이지 왜 불법 했냐고 뭐라고 하지 않을 것입니다.

    물론, 일단은 합법적인 방법을 한 5년 해봐야겠죠.

    그런데ㅋ 제가 알아요.

    안돼요 합법으로는 절대.

    합법으로 될 거였으면 포경수술도 법적으로 벌써 금지 됐어요;;;

    제가 왜 법적 장치 마련을 손 놓고 있는데요.

    절대 10년 이내에 될 리가 없다는 것을 이미 확인했습니다.

    제가 잼뱅티비 같은 데 더 출연해서 정보를 보편화 시키면 그만인 문제니까요 뭐.

    이번에 회사 퇴사 예정인데 시간 좀 있을 때 몇 군데 더 출연할 수도.

    돌아와서, 저는 뭘 할지 압니다.

    저는 똑똑한 사람이라서 뭐를 어떻게 어떻게 해서 그들을 self sustaining한 상태로 만들어 줄 것인지 압니다.

    그리고 제 자본력에서 데려오는 인원수가 끝나는 게 아니라, 데려온 인원이 수익을 내서 더 데려오고, 또 더 데려오고, 또또 더 데려오고 그런 시스템을 어떻게 구축할 수 있는지도 이미 제 머릿속에 방법이 다 나와있습니다.

    심지어 저는 지금 가진 지식으로 선박도 만드는 게 가능하다고 저는 생각합니다, 제 생각은요.

    여튼, 저는 저 초등학교 때 저 불법으로 먹여 살려준 그 할머니 제가 첫 취업하기 전에 벌써 이미 한참 전에 돌아가셔서 못 찾아 뵌 게 한일 정도로 그 할머니에게 너무 고맙습니다.

    즉, 그 사람들도 제가 불법해서 한국이든 미국이든 어디로 데려가 주면 분명 고마워 할 것입니다.

    즉, 제 판단은 분명 그 사람이 보기에 옳습니다.

    즉, 제 판단은 분명 예수가 보기에 옳습니다.

    매우 부끄러운 이야기지만, 제가 또 불법체류 전문가 아닙니까ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ;;;

    제가 돈 많았으면 무조건 바로 실행했습니다.

    그게 천국에서 별 5개 달 방법입니다.

  7. ⛔ ✝️ MOST of what he says is in accordance with the Bible. BUT NOTICE that he is on collision course with JESUS. Read what JESUS says. We HAVE TO be aware that when we enter the Spiritual realm we will meet either GOOD or EVIL spirits. The EVIL spirits will cause you to totally neglect or ignore JESUS' teachings and warnings❗ STAY AWAKE AND ALERT❗🙏✝️

  8. AMEN!! 🙏🥰❤️🪄💪⭐️💐😍 God talks to me all the time now! One almost died many times but each time, I saw the beautiful glorified face of my son in my mind & I felt no pain or fear 🙏🥰 I still couldn’t understand completely until I detoxed my body from all the things of man! Now I see it all the time & it’s so amazingly gloriously beautiful, our universe 😍🤩 you can open your eyes, too! Fake it til you make it! Baby steps if you must, but keep climbing

  9. I believe in NDEs, but I’m also a skeptic … why would you think to compare archangel Michael’s looks to a statue … which was a man’s depiction of him. It’s not a true representation of what he looks like. That’s like saying it must have been Jesus based on a pic of a man with blue eyes and long blond hair… even tho Jesus was middle eastern 😔

  10. I was a Hospice RN for 17 years and had some beautiful experiences with some of my patients that touched in with me after they passed. I recently did an interview for a pod cast which is on my channel. It's 2/2 of the two interviews I have. Please check it out, I hope it brings some joy to you. (First interview is about a UFO sighting)

  11. I'm extremely spiritual and I still reject dogma/religion. Religion is actually fomented by dark occultists because it hinders spiritual growth more than it nourishes it.

  12. Yes, I think the unconditional love that the Father & Lord have for us is wonderful! The thing I have a problem with is him saying it doesn’t matter what you do, obviously it does! The Lord would have not given us 10 commandments for nothing. I have also heard other NDE that they experience what those they treated badly experienced! So Yes, take it as a grain of salt! The Lord was very versed in the Old Testament, even scripture was important to the Lord. If it didn’t matter how we acted why did Father flood the earth, or send fire upon Sodom and Gomorrah?

  13. I know I miss home, the spiritual home that is. As a child, I could see light and hear sounds from the Divine, but as I grew older this was nearly lost. Thank you for this video. Very encouraging and reminds us of home.

  14. great job on the video 🙂 when you were on the other sided could you see anything on a hell or a satan? I suspect its all BS from the Bible

  15. Hm a bit suspicious, I wouldn't take it for granted the other guy was st Michael, I'd first ask him to praise Jesus as Lord and King, just to make sure.

  16. This is the best NDE, I have ever heard, and I've been listening for twenty plus years.

    The truths coming out of this are amazing, and what Jason is sharing is tantamount to information that can help anyone in navigating their life.

    Thank You Jason, it's quite something to hear this, and I know it's all true. 🙏

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