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Omg I've actually had Twinkies and Ding Dongs coffee
The Ding Dongs coffee actually tasted like the snack cake, bit the Twinkie coffee just tasted like way too much sugar
i've had creeper crunch before. lucky charms are better tbh
I am more triggered than I should be by Jack's comments regarding Dr. Pepper in this video.
1:46 Sodium and yellow cheese? Do you think that ramen is mac and cheese?
6:29 I bought a pair of "croc balls" before because it was hilarious… my teen had been wanting a pair since her and her friends thought it was gut-busting hilarious to be able to walk around with balls on your heels… so I got them. She's the only one out of her friends that would have been able to get them, so I bought her friends some as well.
Leave Dr.Pepper alone. Also, Dr.Pepper flavored Peeps are actually pretty good
I actually don't hate the finger covers. If anything, they'll reduce the need to clean your phone screen. They probably suck in execution, but on paper, they seem nifty
2:40 I did buy a case and stylus pack for my DS that contained a finger stylus
dr pepper roast is good it isnt made by dr pepper but a recipe my family makes
Creeper crunch actually is just disgusting. It looks good but its not
8:23 And I call this next piece: "How I got my last DUI!"
I have tried the Dr. Pepper cotton candy and it’s not bad.
Okay but I had the Dr. Pepper cotton candy and it was some of the best I've ever had
11:20 what is this supposed to do?
Most of these just got lost on the way to
11:10 I cannot seem to even understand what these are for ? Like I seriously can't guess what it does from looking at it
8:42 BRUUUH THE TIMING. I got home from work and saw one of those at a gas station. They´re not half bad honestly
As a walmart cashier i have found that those cursed dr pepper peeps are almost exclusively popular with white teenage girls who probably spend most of their daddys money on Starbucks
2:41 That could be useful for when you’re wearing gloves
4:20 look up at your own discretion, but it does really look like some lung tumors 😅
(._. ) unpopular opinion. I thought the peeps Pepsi was good bc the aftertaste actually tastes like peeps…
"I refuse to believe that someone thinks that what looks like some sort of cancerous tumor on a hat is actually fashionable." wait till he hers what popcorn ceilings are made of! 🙂
*they were made of asbestos, which is known to cause lung cancer
Great Wall off china CAN indeed be seen from space