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About the Author: Lets Read!


  1. The gamer that was trash talking and bring up family and deceased pets is asking for trouble. All bark and no bite. One day you'll eff around and find out. Thankfully for him he didn't have to find out. Im not saying you should go around a shoot people for trash talking you but if you are the type to do that because you are losing dont be surprised if something happens to you.

  2. WOW!! I'm a bit late to the party (I tend to save a lot of videos for later since when I listen, I can go through a LOT at a time) but just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS for the 1 mil!! And what a beautiful animated intro to celebrate that!! And a quick and clever face reveal!!

    The 1 mil is so well-deserved (you've deserved it for awhile, just took people awhile to catch-on and find your channel). You do great work Joel! Looking forward to more of the great narration.

  3. "Whether you're male, female or anything else"? Sorry to inform you that that's the end of it. And identifying as the opposite is something different entirely. I don't have to be straight to know science lol

  4. Congratulations on a million subs, you deserve them all and more! Thank you Joel for everything you do ☺️

  5. ❤thank you for your stories I am able to get so much work done around the house listening to your stories. I don’t watch television anymore 😊. Not that I watched much anyway but this channel has brought back memories of my own encounters so I may submit my story 🎉love your artistic reveal❤

  6. Congratulations on 1 million. And after all these years, it's so great to meet you in your reveal!. Your voice is so comforting, soothing, professional and it helps so much when working and relaxing after a long day. Thank you for always being so consistent and a constant friend when needing that time to sit and listen ❤. Let's read!

  7. "Thanks a million" so smooth and chill 😊 that intro was captivating if it were a series I would watch congrats on the 1 million subs 🤩

  8. Man, I've been listening since 2017 its been a long ride and im very happy you made it to a million subs you defenitley deserve many more

  9. Thanks a million for that dope tribute, Joel! You deserve all the success you’ve achieved on this channel and I, like 999,999 other subscribers, will continue to love your content

  10. That Vietnam story got on my last nerve. Look your Grandfather went to Vietnam but your ass didn't. There are a lot of Nam Vets with PTSD. Add in the fact the guy did not volunteer he was drafted. Since you weren't there show some respect or keep your damn mouth shut.

  11. I've been super busy at school so I'm a little behind on videos. The intro was amazing !!! 💜 I've loved watching this channel grow and I'm so glad you've surpassed 1 million!!! 💜

  12. Youve helped me sleep, do my makeup, clean, and drive across the country with your wonderul voice and stories. I am so proud of how far youve come. I was here before 100k. Youre so handsome !!!! Congrats my friend 🎉❤

  13. That was amazing Joel and congratulations u deserve it. Been listening for some time now ur videos mean the world to me and provide w a lot of entertainment for driving, cleaning, hiking or even before sleep. Thank you for all that u do 🎉❤

  14. To the guy in the Xbox story, you might be an a**hole, but even you know not to go past a point of threatening someone’s life like that guy.

  15. Wow I skipped. The into to the end.. That's very cool well done! I love your content, it helps me sleep. Your voice is amazing!

  16. Congratulation on 1M subs 🎉 I have been following since long ago. You’re my favorite storyteller I keep playing before bed or when driving. So glad to finally put a face to the voice, need to say goodbye to the Joel I had in my mind

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