Duck Becomes Woman’s Bridesmaid After Being Saved From Farm | Cuddle Buddies

Duck Becomes Woman’s Bridesmaid After Being Saved From Farm | Cuddle Buddies
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Gab found Success on a farm moments before she was going to be killed. She pleaded with the farmer and eventually brought Success from him. When she brought Success home, she knew it was going to be hard work, but sooner rather than later, Success showed promise and quickly adjusted to her new environment. Now Success is her new mom’s shadow and can’t keep her out of her sight. She comes with her to work, they go on adventures, and even do laundry together. They are two peas in a pod and have given each other purpose.

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🦆 More inspiring duck videos on Cuddle Buddies:
Lonely Duck Gains A Lifetime Friend

Owners Threw This Duck Away. So He Found His Pack Among Dogs

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0:00 – Who let the duck out? 
00:45 – A moment before death
01:15 – Successful Success
01:55 – 50 shades of duck
02:35 – I am here for you

About Cuddle Buddies
If animals had a favorite channel — this would be the one. Cuddle Buddies is where animals find their unique voices.

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We discover the true personality of each pet, be it silliness or wisdom. We create videos of amazing animals, and show how animals see the world around them. Heartbreaking stories, funny animal videos, rescue missions — with a fresh perspective.

Cuddle Buddies is a channel for people who talk to their little friends and listen to what they have to say. Because every animal can teach us something. They can be goofy and deep, we just let the animals speak.

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About the Author: Cuddle Buddies


  1. I’m curious… do you make sure Success has a water pond at all times or is that not necessary? Success is beautiful and so are you!

  2. I can't get over the Success' tiny, little Bouffant hair do! Too adorable for words, I've never noticed another duck with such a do, well not in the UK anyway! 🦆

  3. That's a great story! Loved her guilty look when she was caught getting into the closet, and her little pink shoes are so cute! Bless you for saving Success and giving her a safe, loving, fun forever home. 🐶🐾💜

  4. Ducks are so sweet. I was fortunate enough as a little boy to have 3 of them as pets. Their names were Mini, Puddles, and Brother. I loved those ducks. They used to jump in our swimming pool with me and we would swim together. Ducks are so much smarter than people think. They are loyal too. Mini and Puddles would chase people if they got too close to me. Ha ha
    Fantastic video. Super cute as always!

  5. Awe…She's a beauty! With a fabulous "hairdo"!
    Ducks imprint on the first animals and humans they see. And it's literally a lifelong bond now.
    Well done saving that sweet baby!
    She will protect you and love you for the rest of your life! Please make plans for her; if, God forbid anything happens to you.
    Just a precaution and friendly suggestion is all.
    She literally sees you as her real mom, not just someone who saved her life. Imprinting is a real and serious thing when it comes to certain birds, and they do not see the difference between a bird mom vs. a human mom.

    You've got yourself a spectacular daughter there in Success!

    May you live a long and happy life together! 😁🥰💗💗💞💕❤❤

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