474. 30 Brutal Moments Of Birds Fighting Their Prey | Animal Fight
The thick-billed stork (scientific name: Ardea sumatrana) is a species of bird in the stork family (Ardeidae). They are found in freshwater areas of Southeast Asia, including countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. The thick-billed stork is a completely carnivorous animal fight and they have developed a sophisticated hunting skill to meet nutritional needs.
The prey of the thick-billed stork can be a small or large animal fight, including fish, frogs, mice, and even snakes. However, the prey of choice is usually large fish. Thick-billed storks can hunt by standing still at the banks of rivers or streams, and waiting for prey to approach. When the prey is close, the thick-billed stork will use its thick and sturdy beak to catch the prey in a single note. animal fight
The thick-beaked stork can also fly low above the water to hunt. When they find a fish, they will move forward and catch it using their thick beak. Thick-billed storks can also dive into the water to catch prey, and in this case, they will use their long legs for balance and thick beaks to catch their prey. animal fight
Although the thick-billed stork is a bird, it is also a good swimmer. When they swim, thick-billed storks use their long legs to propel the water and their wings for balance. Sometimes, they will use their heads to search for prey underwater, and then use their thick beaks to capture prey.
00:00 animal fight
00:40 shoe-billed stork
01:23 shoe-billed stork fight
02:21 stork vs mongoose
04:06 jackals vs birds
05:26 pelicans vs birds
07:12 hunting pelicans
10:16 blue heron hunting
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This Video researched by: Jamison Mayer DDS
Address: 093 Schiller Junction Suite 767 Deborahfurt, NV 19847
Geographic coordinates: 62.971989,-155.543882
Mother’s maiden name: Rempel
Date 1996-07-21
Age 26 years old
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