Mother Nature can bring us animals of all shapes, sizes, and types. In today’s video, you will see the absolute monsters of our world that people randomly captured on camera! Some of them have broken world records, so big you could only dream about seeing them in real life!
Like the whale! But there are some animals that aren’t supposed to be gigantic – like this crocodile with the size of a yacht!, or this elephant, the size of two double-decker buses. What about this huge snake or this gigantic bull. Mother Nature is full of jaw-dropping surprises.
Make sure to watch ’till the end for the biggest of them all, and remember to subscribe for more amazing videos just like this.
😂did you kill
Jerapah d edit itu, buaya itu buaya robot buat syuting film
Snake is fatt not bigger
You don’t know your snakes. The one you called a Boa rarely get over ten feet. That was probably a Reticulated Python in the crane.
That snake was not a boa! Reticulated python!
Whale sharks are endangered species also harmless.
Sorry but all the giant crocodilians are extinct, the sarchosuchus and dinosuches both that reached 40 feet long died out 65.million years ago.
This was entertaining 😀 🙂 😀 🙂
1:45 i was not expecting him to say that
I like the first 2 legged bear! 😍
Watching here idol always support your channel and video
The guy talking on here doesn't even know the difference between a jaguar and leopard ?! Lol !!
But that is a reculated python, which are much larger 😊❤
That's bullshit …they never even heard of God or white Jesus until they were colonized
Your thumbnail is a small gator and a model ship.
So many fake videos!
Good content weird commentary
Blue Whales can grow up to 100 ft. Do your research.
🇧🇷🇧🇷 These are not " monsters". They are extraordinary creatures. The only real monsters we know, are called " humans".🇧🇷🇧🇷
Bad photo shop with crocodile next to yacht.
3:20 ….you just called black people gorillas
No Way