15+ Lego products that you never knew Lego made…
🎥 INSTAGRAM for BTS, sneak peaks, updates, special announcements: https://www.instagram.com/td_the_creator/
📱 TIKTOK for short form content: https://www.tiktok.com/@td_the_creator?_t=8Z3O4T9iKQ2&_r=1
Let’s get my beat producer to 1,000 subs: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOokqXsS72ACKATav7wPabg
✉️ EMAIL for business inquiries: td.bricks@audiencly.com
Podcast where I answer my most frequently asked questions: https://youtu.be/pYF1AyTg2q4
Personal account: https://www.instagram.com/the_boy_tygo/
🎶 MUSIC credits:
Epidemic Sound: https://share.epidemicsound.com/c3oiyn
How I make my videos:
Camera: Canon EOS R
Mic: RODE VideoMic Go
Editing Software: Final Cut Pro X
What do you wanna see me do next? 👀
If you like asmr then start another channel
Dancing with Batman
Lego biggest head 🧱🙂
I like how this dude did the dance 0:12
I need the Lego school supply thing
Btw I actually have lego adidas shoes with bricks on them
1:20 😮
Fragile yea right
Was that a butterfly knife?
I have a real red lego mug that i got a while back.
I knew alot of these
Can you try the sussy file
I actually own the Lego shoes
We have that too but a different 1
Pretty please send me that this is a Pretty please send me that this is a marzi I need it and mammoth lights now I am sad😥
I love cocomelonll
5:33 did the person who seller that steal it
I super like your videos
Guess what I have a vacuum cleaner it’s not like yours it’s like a truck and then you could open the back and you could sort stuff in there I would like a Lego which is a sign they don’t make those anymore
I'm a boy but in my tablet
man your God
your mom