When three brothers hear a blood-curdling scream echoing through the woods, they set out to investigate. As they venture deeper into the forest, their curiosity turns to terror when they come face-to-face with a massive, Bigfoot-like creature. The brothers find themselves in a heart-pounding chase for their lives as the creature closes in!
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which episode and season is this.
I hope when you grew up that you beat the hell out of your big brother.
What episode is this
When you experience a encounter it's a fear like no other that every hair stands up on your body it's absolutely overwhelming.
Oh part two cool but scary look at war of gargantuas the movie the bad one green looks just like this but has green hair but still hairy green hair on body hulk looking by face and color but bottom teeth stick out like bull dogs but straight out not exactly like bull dog but straight out
That was scary the face of it looked like gaira the green gargantua by the face and the way it walked and the hulk but dark hairy dark brown version of it face too like green gaira did by face
Years later the little brother joins the military and becomes a Navy SEAL, honorably serving his country. While the older brother never leaves town, still lives at home with his mom and works at a burger joint flipping burgers for a living and is an alcoholic… Moral of this story, the true you always shows when your tired, drunk, or afraid for your life…
Sounds like your brother and someone else pranked you guys
Their older brother was a jerk. First he leads them into the woods then locks them out. What an idiot
Too bad it didn’t kick the door open and get the big brother. Would never have anything to do with his punk ass again.
Well,that brother would've never been forgiven,forget holidays and the next near-death experience,he would be locked out.
I remember as a child I would hear this what sounded like an old lady screaming across the road in the woods thing is nobody else ever seem to hear it but I just found out my grandmother who passed away when I was one use to tell people she would hear it to an finding that out is pretty Erie but I have also seen Bigfoot on the property when I was 8 I’ll never forget it that place still gives me the creeps to this day and I’m 29 now
I had an experience like this once. I went to summer camp when i was 12 and was so excited to go. But i was disappointed when i got there. The camp was old and rundown. There were only 7 cabins and each one slept 4 plus a councilor. So it was the last day of camp. It was raining for most of the day. So me, my 2 bunk mates and our councilor Larsen were relaxing in our cabin playing a card game Larsen taught us. When we started hearing something like an animal being attacked. The rain cleared up a bit so we decided to go check it out. Larsen had a pocket knife with him, so he made each of us a spear from some long sticks in case it was a wild animal. So we walked about 50 yards out when we found ourselves in a clearing in the woods.
If that was my brother, and he WASN'T having a desperate little wank behind that locked door, then he'd have some sort of explaining to do and no mistakes!
How could you leave your brothers out there to die?
Very rotten older brother .
This guy needs to publicly release his older brothers real name and address to the internet and let people have at it with him.
I wish I could know that these r all real
When these 3 brothers finally encountered Bigfoot either they accidentally wet their pants or they came mighty close 2 wetting their pants!
The woods are a scary and vast place, Id never camp or venture in them without a firearm!
Yeah cool story and all but I'm not sure I buy it
Big bro ain’t ride or die
I would beat the crap out of my brother
The youngest boy is the only one with any sense in this video. He kept saying they should go back home, that he wanted to go back home. Then, the oldest brother who should have been like a parent to his brothers deliberately locked this youngers brothers out of the house to die. His parents should be made aware of this so they could punish this coward. But the ending should be the clue you need… it was not a true story, but just a made-up video.
Older brothers with cojones should be defensive enough to protect the younger ones, my older cousins would have put this punk in a dress for locking the younger ones out
You saw it
You heard it
You felt it
You tasted it
I’m sorry but brother would of took an ass whooping lol
That’s the day we would have sacrificed our older brother
My best friend and I walked up on a Bigfoot when we were 9, up close and during the late morning. It was in southeast Alaska next to a fish cannery in 1984, we didn't know what Bigfoot was either. It didn't move a muscle, we screamed and ran away.
I would’ve beat the oldest brother in his sleep with a piece of firewood.Without a doubt he’d never lock me out again.
I would never call that guy brother ever again .
I would never trust my brother again. Relationship Over..
As soon as my brother would have let me in that trailer, we would have been fighting!! I'm talking about no talking, just throwing hands till one of us gives up!!
All these people have Sasquatch stories yet not a single person has a clear video or picture of one despite everyone having smartphones in their pocket. How convenient lol. Bigfoot doesn’t exist it’s really that simple.
Not even going to lie, that was pretty scary lol
I would beat the brakes off big brother
At the moment I grabbed that door knob and the door was locked that would have been the day that would no longer have been my brother.
Gun control they say…..
As soon as I got into the trailer I would have beat my brothers ass
Why everybody is blaming his older brother😇.
After all, he is also a boy 😜
I sincerely hope those two beat the ever-loving snot out of that piece of sh!t coward of an older brother. Locking those two out was inexcusable, but at least they know their brother is scum.
Wonder how much of theses story's are real and how many for actors going off scripts
What a fizza
I know you guys were terrified but your older brother is a coward! To lock his brothers outside was evil! 😢