These Peoples INCREDIBLE Quick Reflexes Saved The Day!! 😱😱

These Peoples INCREDIBLE Quick Reflexes Saved The Day!! 😱😱
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Here are some moments that required incredible quick reflexes to save the day, this is why its always good to stay alert! From quick relexes from dads to road moments, this compilation will keep you on your toes.

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  1. Let me tell you, as a motorcycle rider, that guy was top tier. He was aware of potential dangers– like the truck, he stayed aware of the truck. He took evasive action by veering toward the median and braking. And before the truck even fully landed, he turned and looked behind him. Motorcyclists have learned to glance behind when stopping at a red light, and especially after a sudden stop, to make sure vehicles behind you are stopping. A medium fender bender in a car could be lethal on a motorcycle

  2. Man, when that guy started shaking that dog and the dog went with it, it really shows you the trust that dogs have in us humans. Which makes the tragedy of certain countries eating dogs even more horrifying.

  3. First video: nothing to laugh about, it’s a toddler and he probably wouldn’t not have made it. Full speed sheep with horns vs fragile toddler head ☠️☠️☠️

  4. can someone explain the dog scene? i mean obviously its choking but why does it just tip over and spasm? i know there are nerves in your throat and i assume its some reflex etc regarding nervous system but i dont know. can anyone help if thats some sort of spasm and what causes it? (i know that your heart can stop when you choke but never saw that)

  5. Pause the vid at .49sec and zoom into the face of the guy who spun the car. Judging from his inept driving and guilty expression I think it would be fair to surmise he doesn't have a driving license.

  6. 3:20 The dad glances and sees him leaning over the edge, he thinks, "Nah, he's not that dumb." Turns away, thinks, "actually, he might be that dumb." Looks back, "yep, he's that dumb." Parenting in a nutshell, especially with boys.

  7. The man with the baby who fell froma chest of drawers is just stupid. Either you keep a hand on him or you leave him on the floor if you have something else to do.

  8. Lost count my many dogs suffered that because they are greedy af, difference is I learned to do it like heimlich manuver pressing their bellies

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