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  1. Damn we're still trying to act like we can do these car meets and hang outs. 1980 was the peak of black people in chicago about 2million every since then it's been a decline. Today 250,000 left in the city you do the math everyone dead , prison, or moved. You'll gonna hang til the last minute good luck

  2. Big props to dude in the red and black! He went straight to help the young lady that got tripped and trampled on. Looks like he threw himself over her. It sounded like he said he was shot and looked that way too the way he kept raising his shirt. He also dropped his phone and didn't know it. Hope everyone is okay. I would have bad PTSD and paranoid af everywhere I went, if I lived in Chicago. There's no way I would have the balls to go out to a big crowded club/bar where your opps could be right behind you and you would never even know it. Dude in the white just walking around while bullets fly right passed his noggin, thinking he's invincible and shit. But, nope he's just prolly drunk and high af. 😄

  3. I thought the dude wearing yellow shorts and a black T was crazy for standing in the middle of all this and take a video😂💔
    The camera man never dies!!😭

    You could say it was a dumb move, but at the same time… Unless the shooters are wild ahooters shooting everything in their path, they must have a target right?

    And if he has no enemies/Ops, he's not the guy they looking for right?
    Which means instead of running like a headless chicken and potentially catching strays as collateral because you don't even know where the bullets coming from, how about you just stand in the same spot and watch the show😂😂😂

  4. Of course nobody saw anything..nobody did anything and nobody knows anything..People used to go home when the bars they trash the parking lots and bring out guns because somebody looked at them a crowd this size and in the times we live in its hardly a shock that this went down like that..

  5. The guy in red bottom of screen actually saves 4-5 peope covering them down etc . Not to metion he was going protect whoever he cooks around him if need be . Just crazy so many innocent people shot

  6. What the reason to shoots fire near on all those people , that what always we miss From the videos, the story was Incomplete ? Any one has knowledge of the story, let me know, always the Curiosity kills me , you know If we need to solution to stop this issues we need know what’s makes it going up to that level, isn’t ?

  7. Chicago : THE epitome of black American genocide and the disrepect , disregard , and slap in the face to all black Americans who fought and died for the civil rights of these people in Chicago killing each other. Black Lives don't really know what really matters.

  8. I guess this is the part when the desensitized people say, "Just another night in Chicago." "Welcome to Chicago." "Don't talk bad about black people cause other nationalities shoot each other too." As long as we keep accepting this terrorism it will NOT stop🛑

  9. That’s crazy my brother was there that night visiting his friends I’m glad he came back safe but this was scary for me and my family 😢

  10. It's so sad our black soldier are killing each other when the white supremacist are in the police departments and capitalizing off of divided Nation 😭

  11. Does anybody peep the man with the yellow shorts in the parking casually standing in the crossfire u think while on his phone…craaazzyyy

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