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Don't fuck with Nimbus!
that Kunkka in Sniper clip is painful to watch
nvm that Naga combo is more
where's Reaves Neil?
harambe got killed by a sniper 🙁
i rather those video entries sent to dota WTF. i really don’t know WTF are they doing with these amazing fails. and their intros are really killers, it can take for hours. UNSUBSCRIBING!!!
Bring back Reeves. SirActionSlacks sux
Can someone explain me what is a sun`s nugget? Watched all the episodes and still did no understand hahahahaha
Ура, новое видео на русском канале!
had a person just like the naga siren at 7:30 last week in my game, absolutely ruined the game. next game i got matched up with them again and they repicked naga siren and the shit show rolled over into that game too. so frustrating.
never seen this show so often
that rubick was me xd rofl,
U shoud shut the f#ck up from the start… Its realy boring and toxic. Slacks voice sucks.
7:00 WTF!
That Morphling is the true pure fail hahaha
love these videos, this channel first inspired me to make Dota stories. slacks is the man!
5:18 It looks like he's having an orgasm ??
literally the best show on youtube. love to slacks.
So, when will these two get around to making the announcer and mega-kills pack?
I once sent DC a video(atleast 4yrs ago) link where Me(Rubik) barely miss a Mirana arrow, steal it and soon launch at it when my team gets me backup, it misses Mirana by a little, now Mirana is low from attacks from my team and she leaps right into the arrow that had missed her and bam! Dead! It would've made a great clip had you guys chosen it!
Did all players got better or more boring?
If you skip the intro shame on you
" There is no way there bugs in this game " quoted SirActionSlacks.
dislike for absence of 1440p
7:03 literally said "WHAT THE FUCK" out loud
Lmao thay void vs eidolons was so stupid… Cant fight them at lvl 25, AND got backtrack lmao
see u next month
7:10 sure it's sea
Please create a voice pack instead then!
Hey Sunsfan do a special episode about Underlord/Nature Prophet players vs Legion Commander/Faceless Void players. I wonder who would win.
Slacks: (to nimbus) "that's the hero. Zeus is just the vessel." Omaygaawd! I feeel awakened again.
The naga's dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/333100309
this show is the symphony of sarcasm.
Slacks Announcer Pack? hmmm
That intro was actually good this time.
that slacks warcry on the intro made me wet
7:11 Lol, pudge killed himself between all those spells
With the Script Plan canceled you may as well use the amassed sound files for a voice pack (announcer or every noise gets changed to Slacks)
1:33 25 lvl 500 HP all heroes, no items, fake = dislike
Banned from a f2p game… oh nooo what ever shall they do?! How can they possibly live without playing Dota 2?
I kinda understand the way blizzard does it… hard banning your computer resulting in every account bought being banned immediately… they waste 40 bucks or so for getting banned… what do scripters in Dota 2 lose? oh no they lost time spend in a game they care so little about they go out of their way to script…