Saved From My Animal Shelter

Saved From My Animal Shelter
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FREE Guinea Pig Care Guide: Many Rescue & Volunteer Opportunities

C&C KAVEE Cages and liners and accessories 10% off link -
10% off Kavee Storewide with Code: SCOTTYDEAL

The Pellets I use: Small Pet Select Pellets + 15% off storewide link:
Child Life Liquid Vitamin C:
Corner Space House:
Cage Mates Book: Story & Art by Scotty!
The Princess and the Poop Book: Written & Illustrated by Scotty!
The Snak Shak is the BEST Hay Rack out there:

The BEST Treats:
Fiddlesticks Tunnel:
Living world pet tunnel:
Pop-up Playpen:
C&C Grids: (Coroplast at Home Depot)
My favorite fleece liners:
Vitamin C Cookies: Oxbow Treats:
Everything Else We Recommend at the Rescue:

Guinea Pig Care:
Rescue Adventures:
Money Saving Tips:
Cage Set-Up:
Emergency Kit:

Scotty’s Patreon:
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About the Author: Scotty's Animals


  1. Love the two dark spots on the outside of each nostril on Pongo, he's just so adorable. Thanks Scotty for doing what you do, lovely video

  2. They really are such sweet animals, I've learned so much about them from you and can do so much more for them as opposed to when I first had them, I cringe at how much I didn't know.

  3. Scotty,

    They are adorable. I was gonna suggest Demi and Mare if you were keeping them.

    Pongo would be both Dad and Grandpa to daughters and babies.

    I wish people would realize thats also how their paws are become polydoctile.

    Its great you have them and Saskia has room for the girls.


  4. Hi,I have a question, suddenly the shops where I live,are out of veggies,my guinea pigs haven't eaten veggies for 10 days.Usually when we do have veggies,they only eat a couple of bell pepper pieces,so they don't eat the recommended portion( they don't want to try new veggies),will this effect their life? They're babies(2-3months),I feed them pellets and treats with vitamin C,and I put it in their water,I will try to give them more veggies,so I hope it won't matter that in the beginning they didn't eat lots of them.They seem healthy and active.

  5. Right there with you. This past Sunday, I helped a woman sex her guinea pig babies, and I took the one male to bond with my young group, and then I found one of the females was wounded. The owner didn’t even know so I took her home too. She is so tiny.

  6. Pongo is the perfect name for him!! He was the father of the 101 Dalmatians!! He looks very sweet💕

    It’s absolutely mind boggling that people don’t understand that a male and female of anything will breed. I’m so tired of seeing this. I feel like the only reason this happens is because people don’t care about the piggies and the reason it gets out of hand is because the pigs are just in some small cage in a corner not having any attention.
    I’m at least so happy to see these babies didn’t have to spend forever at the animal shelter where it’s so scary and not comfortable. I hope they go to a good home.
    Guinea pigs are A LOT OF WORK. they are more work than any of my animals by far. (But I also spoil my girls so that could be a little added extra work 😆)

  7. Those babies are soo adorable. It reminds me of how small Lucy and Savannah were when I got them well actually smaller cuz they were 2 weeks when I got them but now their almost 2 years!

    I am so grateful that you do everything you can to help save animals!

  8. Oh my goodness, how sweet they are! Getting the message out there and keeping these piggies safe is what it's all about! Love Pongo! I have a feeling though, he is not leaving and has found his home.

  9. ho i did know this wen we got her and my stupid city suck and the lock Ammels shit only help dog and cat as just the Veit in my shitty little town i did all i new to for my joy and she had the best life i cued give and is for ever my baby and for ever loved that said i got her for fucking pet cow and well as for all the pet Shope i ever with for being wen i com to animal care and knows they have nun and they just don't care about the sweet little animal the shell not at all not one bit and it suck ass so my tip for the Day don't bother with pet cow the can got to hell i got Joy for they and she was not senseless at all and scry of everything and pot way to much ever for a guinea pig that said i did all i coed

  10. i love Guinea pings and my sweet baby grill joy just juat pass away and not we just have my Gril happy and we love her and so fare she do well since joy passing but as for the time being i don't know how to pressed so if have any advices am opine to herring it

  11. So precious. Your kind heart is a blessing to this world❤ Also the education you give is so important.Starter pets they are NOT. But wonderful companions they are❤ Blessings to all of you .Bb looks great too

  12. Pongo and his kiddos are so darling!! 😊❤ I’m so glad they are in good hands!! Thank you Scotty for all that you do for these wonderful kind precious creatures!

  13. Thank you for doing so much for these little piggies, Scott. The rescue world would have such a void without you. And that has to be the cutest Guinea pig ever. Except maybe for the two little babies. 😍🐾

  14. You might as well try pongo with some of your single boys and see if things work out before you fall in love with him. Ohh, this video was posted 5 hours ago? Probably too late.

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