How I Adopted My Dog.
As one of many of my pet rescue success stories.
Although, All of my dogs have been rescues, she has always been the
closest to my heart.
This is one of my many successful dog rescues and you can help by sharing this video with your friends… This dog / “Soda” thanks you so much for sharing her story , since she can’t do it herself, cuz she doesn’t speak the language. ЁЯЩВ
This is now, a happy dog that I rescued from an abusive dog kennel, as a puppy. This dog was not so happy, or healthy when I rescued her.
This dog had dog worms, and was an abused dog by the kennel owner himself…
When I went to look at her, the kennel franchise owner asked me how to make all of his animals into vicious dog breeds.
I told him that you can not make a dog vicious by abusing it, you will only make it unpredictable and deadly.
Now, this dog is very healthy, has the best dog food, dog toys and I have started her dog training at the National Guard Armory.
She's gorgeous and she looks a happy, happy girl. You both be safe, mate.
I love this video oh my
thank you for rescuing a rottweiler i wish there was more people like you to actually take the time to visit a shelter rather then a breeder
you have my utmost respect sir!!!
thank you for caring for the animals
Thanks Smoothie:
Yeah, my talk in the video sounds quite goofy to us, but to a dogs ears,
it lets her know that everything in her world is alright… ЁЯЩВ
Thank you for being such a nice guy! Great to see a grown ass man babytalking to a big ass rotweiler, such sweethearts!
Nice Rottie. Glad you were able to find her a good home.
A wonderful Rottie Lady
Nice to see happy dogs too!
Rottweilers are adorable <3 I hate how some people are afraid of them or hate them sometimes :c
p.s. God bless you for rescuing that Rottweiler and other dogs you have rescued <3
U Are a Hero! U r AWESOME!
Sir, you rock! Rottweilers are just great, they know if you love them and then show it back. Like the one you have here she's a beauty. Thanks for sharing this video, hopefully people really get what you said there.┬а
You did a great job a great one
Thank you, for all the love you folks have for the distressed animal.
You are the ones who are awesome,,, because it is obvious that you
are giving the same respect to yours.
If we don't give them a voice, then they have none…
… How could they,,, they don't know the language… ЁЯЩВ
She is purdee. I love this video. Sir…………..RESPECT !!!
You sir.. are a very good man! ЁЯЩВ Kudos!┬а
God bless people who are animal lovers like you. Thank you.
It's such a lovely dog. Thanks for saving her, it should be more people like you in this world.
Task humble about everything. Love that you care for these dogs this root she's it care about you just as much
i respect people like you ^^ there shall be more ppl like you in this shitty world
VideoNash, people like you make all the difference in the world to dogs like this. ┬аThank you so much for giving her the life that she so richly deserves. ЁЯЩВ
I also have two pit-labs…
(Check the link in my description above).
They are also very happy dogs and yes,
I get quite goofy with these two, as well. ЁЯЩВ
Sometimes, I get a little goofy with my accent, when I'm around them.
It's good for them, and it lets them know that the world is all-right,,,
when daddy is in a good mood. ЁЯЩВ
Thanks for all of the support and love from my youtube community.
It's great too know that there is so much love and compassion for this breed.
My dogs are so in tune with my thought processes, that they actually think like I do,
(as a person thinks).
They are happy, when I and my wife are happy,,, and sometimes, if it's continuous raining,
they feel a little blue, then we give them special love and treats. ЁЯЩВ
I've owned rotties all of my adult life, and I wouldn't have it any other way… ЁЯЩВ