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✔ Source: NorCal Bully Breed Rescue
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#rescue #animals #dogs #rescuedog #frenchie #adopt #puppy #tinyfrenchie #frenchbulldog #
Por qué tiene su Caritas y qué fue lo que le pasó es una bendición de Dios que Dios bendiga a ay Shakira torito de Dios
Por qué la piel es así qué clase de raza es por favor explíquenos por que la piel de esos perritos son así yo quisiera uno chiquitico así que me los regalaron yo comprarlo para poder darle amor y cariño de lo que se merece eso es que turistas de Dios porque son Hijos de Dios esas porque turistas que son la gloria porque los tienen a ustedes que son la gloria del señor que son los mensajeros del señor ustedes son los que rescatan estos animalitos ustedes son los mensajeros de Nuestro Señor son los ángeles que necesitamos para decirnos el maltrato de los animales gracias gracias gracias que Dios los bendiga y los ánimos y los proteja para que sigan cuidando a estos animalitos tan hermosos amén
I could never seperate those two now. They have to go as a pair
They sound like little tigers I love them
God I love these little ones. Ide take both
Beautiful little guys
Quiet, not quite
Cuties and adorable 🥰🥰🥰
They are gorgeous! Why are there so many Frenchies with cleft pallets???
This is just way to cute and funny little sassy self 😊😅🎉😂❤
Please spay and neuter
Cuteness overload ❤
I love the way they bounce around, so cute!
❤how absolutely adorable these little babies are 😊🥰🐾🐾💕
So adorable! Was that Po and Boo running thru? Oh my gosh they have gotten so big!
Thanks for taking care of these babies.❤. Hope this’ll buy a bag of food.
What the hell?? Did someone spill bleach on the puppies??
So breeders just dumped unwanted not normal puppies and these people make thousands of dollars WTFUCK
If I had either of these pups I would never put them down! They would be safe in my arms 24/7! ABSOLUTELY AWESOME PUPPIES!
The little boys are cute
O my they are beautiful and full of piss and vinegar huh! I'm in love. Takes a special kind of person to do what you do. Heartfelt thanks and mant blessings to you and family!
They look like them toys that walk a few yards and then do a back flip cute little aliens ❤ 😂 gotta get me a dog 😎🇬🇧✌️
Wat did you get more dog food yet…wadahell