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About the Author: TheDonMobster


  1. but….the actor suited in a light blue hoodie, the one running away shooting backwards… Isn 't he the one who played Calogero -"C" ( DeNiro's son) in "a Bronx tale"?

  2. I have a couple questions. How is it that chris didn't do any sort of time for this incident? I am betting money that the pistol he had on his ankle wasn't registered, nor did he have a permit. And second, no trial to determine if killing sean was really self defense? The show never mentioned that

  3. Notice how this time he aimed steady, fired, and hit the target, as opposed to his usual frantic point and pull technique where he wouldn't be able to hit the side of a barn, let alone a fleet of foot Mikey Palmice…

  4. How the fuck do you fumble a drive by like that? The guy was already down on the ground and bleeding out and fuckin killed one and scared the other off

  5. Chrissy was actually a real prodigy yeah he fucked up sometimes and was a druggy but most the show best just getting bitched even tho overall he’s a great earner, when tony killed him it was just disappointing “like a son” it just finally woke me up to the true evil of tony that I was blind to before the jovial facade was smashed then for me Atleast but too late.

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