Lion Surprised Wildlife Photographers When He was Taking Pictures of a Pride

Lion Surprised Wildlife Photographers When He was Taking Pictures of a Pride
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Wildlife photographers without a doubt have one of the coolest jobs in the world. Every professional wildlife photographer will tell you that the secret to capturing those once-in-a-lifetime moments is patience and being at the right place at the right time. However, sometimes there’s just no secret as the animals once in a while tend to do the unexpected and end up surprising the photographer. Some photographers were lucky enough to encounter their dearest animal friends from up close. Perhaps a little too close on occasion.
Meerket Video by Will Burrard-Lucas:


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  1. what is it with this word adorable we are meat eating hunters and have every right to be just like most of these animals are and suggestive words like adorable will never change this if you want to save wildlife save habitat

  2. i just can't figure how these people are so calm!! for me personally i deal with scary things in my life but comparing to these people i'm like a kid comparing to them. god bless their souls

  3. Loved all of the animals reaction to the camera men and how the camera men reacted to each of the animals. Gorilla was One of my favorites, and the cheetah with her cubs. Nice to see a mother so comfortable with a human. Great videos! I'll be back, Thanks

  4. ভালো কোরেছো পাড়া দিয়েছো ফটোটাকে তো বাড়ি যাও আর দেখ ফটো থাকলে ফেলে দাও মুক্তো হোয়ে যাই নো ডিসটাভ

  5. I had the immense pleasure of hugging and petting a tiger cub, many years ago. Yes they are big cats and their paws are huge so you must be careful but they are as playful as the family pet. Just make sure they had a full meal earlier. And no, the mother was not anywhere near; I would not have considered befriending the big kitten if she had.

  6. I think the lions in African game parks are probably relatively tamed by the constant presence of humans.
    Re the gorillas, jolly lucky to have a paved path in 'the dense forest'!

    Not that it matters but is anyone fooled which channels like this simply steal material from other YT videos, then make up fake stories to personalise it?

  7. Leons and Co dont Attack People at Cars because they see The Car and the Human as One Big Animal, and that is the Reason you must be Calm, when the Leon sees that the Human is a Seperat Animal he Attacks, Because an Human is Small enough, Hunting that big Car would be Wastet Energie.

  8. Those wolves looks like they are Polar Park wolves in Norway near Narvik. Anyone can book a visit to meet those in person. Those wolves are raised by humans, when they lost their mother.

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