Patrolman sees 'ghost' on airplane in Mexico City airport | New York Post

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A patrolman named Francisco Hernandez who heard strange sounds coming from a seemingly empty plane at a Mexico City airport had no idea what he was about to see. While searching the plane, it was clear that nobody else was on board. Suddenly, a dark figure appeared and seemingly peered at the man from around a corner, sending him running in fear.

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  1. Ngl walking down airplane aisle when it's dark in is scary af.same as turning your bathroom lights off and running back to your room at night. 🙀🙀🙀🙈🙈🙈

  2. Please. This happens all the time. When the last flight of the day comes in, there is often an uneaten crew meal sitting around somewhere on the plane. Literally any worker can sneak on the plane and get a free meal. Best done in the dark

  3. I've seen thousands of these types of videos and I don't know if this is real or a hoax but regardless, this is the only video I've seen that genuinely gives me chills.

  4. Seemed like a person to me he looks tall because it’s down the hall and it’s not a tall area so anyone would look bigger when that far back in the dark in a low ceiling airplane..if these so called shadow ghosts are real why would they never show them selves ever it’s always a dark head poking out they obviously can vanish if there not from here so why do they hide rather then go invisible and why would they just be shadows and have no face or shape I mean real explanation was they set it up for a viral video easy..or someone was still on board and he didn’t know it

  5. Shadow ghost have been following me since I was little. You get used too spotting them with your peripheral vision. There are more visible during daylight, in bright areas. Your eyes will get teary with they are close to you. I have noticed that it's more common to hear people talk about it more in Mexico then any other countries. I'm from Mexico by the way

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