Hailstones, the size of golf balls, pummeled the city, causing extensive damage to properties and vehicles. Rescue teams are working tirelessly to aid stranded residents and assess the full extent of the disaster.
In a shocking turn of events, Reutlingen, Germany, was hit by a catastrophic flood and hailstorm today. The picturesque town turned into a scene of chaos as torrential rains triggered flash floods, inundating streets and homes.
Local authorities have issued urgent warnings, urging citizens to seek higher ground and stay indoors for their safety. Emergency shelters have been set up to provide refuge to those affected by the unprecedented natural calamity.
The flood and hailstorm have disrupted transportation, with major roads and railways rendered impassable. Residents are advised to avoid travel until the situation stabilizes.
As the community reels from the impact of this dual disaster, local officials are collaborating with regional and national agencies to coordinate relief efforts and restore normalcy.
Our thoughts go out to the people of Reutlingen as they navigate this difficult time. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as the story develops.
Most Viral Natural disasters caught on camera! A selection of the most incredible moments ever caught on tape!
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There are some moments in life that are so incredible that nobody would believe it if it weren’t caught on camera. And even though bizarre moments happen every day, it can be very confusing to see them with your own eyes. Today, we’re going to show you of the most unbelievable moments ever caught on camera!
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Omg! This is mother nature.terrible hope for the best god bless Germany.🙏🙏
Już sprawiedliwość Boża za te okropną 2 wojnę światową i za mord nad ludźmi i dziećmi pan nierychliwy lecz sprawiedliwy pozdrawiam serdecznie wszystkich
Your accent is crazy !
What happened with my message
So sorry for everyone over there suffering this kind of weather!
Sending prayers to God that the people in Germany find comfort and safety.
Dobrxe im za Polskie zlodzieje bydlaki Niech oddadza nasze skradzione majatki brawo brawo jeszcze gorzej powinno te bydlo karać
Unglaublich.. 😳😳😱😱😱😱
Great on CIA day, with trade , love new York city
welcher idiot stellt so ein dummes fakevideo ein
There never used to be extreme weather events. Climate never changed before. 😉
Grüss Gott und hallo, Ihnen in Deutschland alles Gute mit Ihren pr docus Finanz Gewicht Situationen, sowie Hoffnungs Gedanken für einen baldigen nächsten Normalzustand in Ihren Staats Länder Gebieten, wenn man Ihren Videoclip sieht denke ich an die biblische Sintflut vision die Prophezeihungen
der Indianer cultur
Volk/Völker, speziell aber an ein heutiges Natur universelles Eiszeit Einflüsse wie Klima gestörtes aufeinander treffen unserer sonst oftmals schön und segenreichen Natur Wetter Wichtigkeiten, Ihnen alles Gute, viel Kraft und Zusammenarbeit und helfende Hände bei Ihrem Unwetter Aufräum- arbeiten , wie Gesundheit
Grüße m.a.marion aus Klagenfurt austria
12 days until the end of the world. Get ready! Set! GO!
2 weeks ago.
This is all the fault of EVIL MAN and his use of SUVs! The European ruling class want us all sitting in the dark freezing or sweating!
Jikalau allah sudah murka beginilah jadi nya😏😏😏
Mocniej mocniej i jeszcze raz mocniej
Cela fait partie des signes qui annoncent le retour de Jésus !
Repentez-vous habitants de la terre au nom du Seigneur Jésus !🏳️
La foi qui se manifeste par l'obéissance à tous les commandements de Dieu est le chemin pour éviter les pièges du diable et le feu de l'enfer 🔥.
All these Desasters were having all over the world is because there is so much sinful people not knowing who God is this is Gods vengeance. God said unless I interfere no flesh will be saved alive. All this trouble we are having is the elite people are corrupted to much power controlling people. The rich get rich on the pour man’s labor.
Oh my God….your pronunciation of English!!!!!
Yes all over the world disasters more than ever 😢
EU Nazi alliance NATO German army destroying Europe illegal immigration NGOS vaccines Ukraine war God bless
For we're a species that DONT TakeHeed to SignsNWarnings of Godly Awakeings
Plup plup plup the English talker
Schon verwunderlich was sich so manche/r aus den Fingern saugt.
Jesus Christ is coming soon must people to return to him before he comes He gives chance to people to repent to him before he comes 👑🙏🎺👑😇🎺🎺 🎺
Werdet Ihr mit Euren Horrormeldungen von den Versicherungen bezahlt damit diese die Prämien wieder erhöhen können ? Hört endlich auf damit die Leute falsch zu informieren !!!
This are one of many signs that the second coming of the LORD is getting nearer.
S'est toute la planète s'est tout à fait normal ❤❤❤❤❤❤ je plaint les animaux mais le tout puissant à ses raison nul ne peut le sonder amène