Cooking Wood Fired Fresh Trout with Garden Vegetables

Cooking Wood Fired Fresh Trout with Garden Vegetables
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Dear friends, today we would like to share with you the Cooking Wood Fired Fresh Trout with Garden Vegetables video, we really hope you enjoy this video and share with your friends
As a Country Life Vlog, we love to share what we do at countryside, engage with nature and make the most out of village life. Come and see the colorful videos of nature, unique cooking recipes and just the beautiful life at a countryside. Sit back and relax by watching our content!


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About the Author: Kənd Həyatı


  1. Hi dear Country Life Vlog, I just wanted to know if you are all right as I read in the news that many people flee since Azerbaijan seized the region last week. I hope you are good. God bless you.

  2. What a nosy bird 🦅. But he us beautiful, hahahaha. You’re parents are very hard workers. I which a could leave an a place like that, a really like the countryside, I grew up in a countryside. Congratulations to you guys for what you have…

  3. Спасибо за видео. У Вас настоящий Рай на Земле👍👌. Гармония во всём. Вы сами создали эту красоту, и продо б жаете украшать. Здоровья вашим рукам. Вот Счастье где. Животным всем повезло, кто находится рядом с вами. На всех хватает тепла и Любви. Оператору браво, за красивые кадры. Привет Вам из Украины. Мира Всем, и радостных мгновений

  4. Kediye balığın kuyruğunu verdin hiç etli yerini vermedin ben çok üzüldüm. Lütfen en iyisini kedilere yedirin hayvan kılçıktan başka bir şey görmedi yazık heyecanlanmasına bile deymedi lütfen etli yerini onlara verin günah hayvana..sıkı takipçiniz im ❤

  5. I like to add 1 detail here from my own experience; Fish no matter what kind but especially the ones which has naturally attractive scent shoudnt be cooked with onions. Trout is one of them. I used to use onion while cooking it like here, then I realised fish doesnt taste as it taste like in a restaurant. Then I saw in a program on tv , a chief said fish are not to be cooked with onion. Then I try it as he says and find out that is acctually true. İf you are after its specific fishy scent never cook it with onions. Love your videos, good job as always..

  6. Спасибо огромное за все ваши видео! Безумное удовольствие смотреть! Сразу хочется готовить. Красота, чистота поражает! Покой и доброта! Здоровья Вам, добрые люди ❤️

  7. Your home & grounds are beautiful ! I love your way of life. So simple & serene. I’d love to visit your country & look @ the scenery. Love watching the both of you. ❤️

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