31 Minutes Of Karens Messing With The Wrong People…

31 Minutes Of Karens Messing With The Wrong People...
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31 Minutes Of Karens Messing With The Wrong People…

ONE HOUR Of Karens Who Got OWNED!

1 HOUR Karens Getting What They DESERVED…

1 HOUR Karens Getting What They DESERVED… #2

1 HOUR Karens Getting What They DESERVED… #3

#karen #karens #karensinthewild


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About the Author: Public Freakout Videos


  1. Lol let me pay you and bam all went away bs not everything is racist but everyone wants it to be that and it goes all ways so dumb she could have not been paying attention and checked to make sure idk but that reaction is wrong now the India shit was so racist that’s what it sounds and looks like not that it always has sound or action but usually it’s one or the other not human mistakes or bad judgment at times but today bullies are bullies and if your of a certain complexion you’re automatically labeled and disrespected and that goes both ways all ways

  2. So for the older guys on the swings ugh yeah wrong but of course the whole video wasn’t shown or the activities that lead up to that woman and why she probably walked up because kids were waiting to get on the swings and you got two grown young men on them and they knew what they were doing and anticipating for this lady to approach them hence why the cameras out waiting and his loaded Karen comment and bam came right out of his mouth. For the airline attendant just might’ve been a little jealous or irritated or aggravated and didn’t like that she was happy go lucky and was playing with children or doing cartwheels don’t get me wrong I probably look like an ass or two in public or people probably thought I was intoxicated because my daughter wants me to try to back bends and flips and shish lol and I don’t even drink so I understand their frustration but I definitely think that flight attendant had already been irritated or foreseen that it could’ve been an issue so she avoided it by making one of itself lol 🤦🏽‍♀️

  3. The irony of the Mexican lady harassing the Indian women. The same country she seemingly thinks she owns, does not think as highly of her people as she appears to believe.

  4. I saw this 5 years ago. At that time she was an white American not a Mexican and they were black… this the shty i be talking about whike yall be beliviyevery word😲😲😲

  5. The one who didn’t get out the concert if she was black she would have gotten brutally forced all the way out the first time and it would have been 10 actual cops

  6. The airplane one is wild. I've been completely trashed multiple times & have got on board. I'm talkin cross fade like a mf. They must've done somethin dumb not to be able to board lol

  7. The target lady situation was stupid. The lady was esl and the other lady took advantage… no racism. Likely policy made her just ask… i get asked randomly. Unless i have a big item. The Karen is chick with the phone

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