How Hamas Turned an Israeli Music Festival Into a Massacre | WSJ

How Hamas Turned an Israeli Music Festival Into a Massacre | WSJ
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Over 250 people were killed at the Tribe of Nova Festival in Re’im, Israel on Saturday – one of the deadliest sites of Hamas’s surprise attack on Israel. The festival took place just three miles from the Gaza Strip. Many attendees were also taken hostage and brought back to Gaza.

WSJ breaks down how the attack unfolded.

0:00 Tribe of Nova Festival
0:31 Lead up to the attack
1:20 Beginning of the attack
3:29 Hiding on Festival grounds
4:55 Hostages taken

#Israel #Hamas #WSJ


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About the Author: The Wall Street Journal


  1. From the recent interview of ex-prime minister Olmert to DW on support of Hamas by Netaniyahu: "First 'get rid of' Hamas, then Netanyahu" : "And the fact also is that for a period of time, for years, Netanyahu explicitly preffered to deal with Hamas in order not to have to deal with the Palestinian Authority. Why? Because he did not want to negociate peace with the Palestinian Authority and therefore, he put all the efforts in order to create a certain rapport with the Hamas. We know that the Hamas was financed with the assistance of Israel – for years – by hundreds of millions of dollars that came from Qatar with the assitance of the state Israel, with the full knowledge and support of the Israeli goverment led by Netanyahu. Netanyahu, when he took over in 2009, said that his primary responsibility and priority is to destroy Hamas. And throughout the period that he was prime minister, he made every possible effort in order to build Hamas rather than to detroy it. And in a certain way the expansion of the Hamas and strengthening of Hamas is largely also a result of this policy of Netanyahu".

  2. Believe it or not, the word "hamas" appears 59 times in the Original language of the Old Testament, and is translated in such morally bankrupt terms in the King James Version of Holy Scripture as, "violence; wrong; cruelty; unrighteous; false, as in false witness; injustice; oppressor; damage." Do these attributes not well describe the nature of Israel's enemies?

  3. This a different kind of scary and horrible then 9/11 cause it shows terrorist will attack anywhere even a music festival not just a symbol of the nation

  4. Only 1.5% of Israeli citizens own firearms due to strict gun control. These, and many other poor souls, were like lambs to the slaughter. We in the U.S. rave scene in the 90s had the motto "PLUR" (Peace, Love, Unity, Respect). As I aged, I learned the world is filled with wolves, which trample on PLUR. They only respect strength. There can only be so many shepherds around for protection.

  5. These are clearly not Hamas. They seem to be armed youth who entered after the Hamas forces breached the fence. They do not seem to follow Hamas' orders. There are videos of Hamas members dressed differently (full military attire) who have entered homes and did not harm the civilians. They even played with children and then just left.

  6. Thank you for explaining things more about how they were able to target the festival. I wish this was longer though to show how they also came in on paragliders and attacked nearby areas, which is how they took so many little children and parents. 😢.

  7. They had to get through 3 guarded checkpoints before the festival, where were the military, who allowed them in…

  8. War is wrong, but peace is right. Why do people fight over something that can be solved in minutes?
    Why do you enjoy killing humans even if these humans are the enemy?
    What separates us from animals?

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