19 SCARY GHOST Videos That Scared You This Year

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19 SCARY GHOST Videos That Scared You This Year – Scary ghosts, ghosts caught on camera, poltergeist, paranormal activity, Japanese ghost videos, scary TikTok ghost videos, paranormal investigations and ghost hunting are in this list of scary videos. And they are definitely some of the scariest videos on the internet.

In this episode of 19 scary ghost videos, you will see: 19 scary ghost videos that scared you this year! These include; A scary TikTok video shows a family being haunted by a ghost. A paranormal group uploaded a scary image of a shadow figure caught on camera. A scary video shows paranormal activity caught on camera inside a haunted house. An urban explorer accidentally catches a mysterious shadow figure on tape while visiting an abandoned haunted building. Ghost hunter and paranormal investigator Franko TV visits a haunted cemetery and films a ghost on his night vision camera. Paranormal investigation channel Ghostech Paranormal Investigations conduct a ghost hunt at an old haunted school and capture what they believe to be the ghost of a former teacher plus many more scary videos! These are 19 SCARY GHOST Videos That Scared You This Year



00:00 – Intro
00:04 – 19 SCARY GHOST Videos That Scared You This Year
52:24 – Outro


MINDJUNKIE brings you the best ghost videos, paranormal activity, paranormal investigations, ghost hunting, scary things caught on camera, haunted houses, scary tiktok ghost videos, apparitions, poltergeists, demons, shadow figures, supernatural events, and unexplained footage. Anything mysterious caught on camera!

19 SCARY GHOST Videos That Scared You This Year

#scary #ghost #creepy

If you enjoyed this video make sure you check out TOP 30 SCARIEST GHOST Videos of the YEAR That Will Give You Nightmares! https://youtu.be/GPV4XTJYBcU

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About the Author: MINDJUNKIE


  1. The teenagers in the funeral home is fake just so happens the camera is centered on every incident that happens and doesn't move until a couple of seconds afterwards

  2. There are entities that will turn to animals, but then again Ghost cats are great too have, there for it could had been there to protect the little girl…

  3. In my opinion of the thing in the first video caught on the baby cam that they say looks like a cat? Well, I see someone looking like a creature that is just moving quick on all fours! When you hear the Little girl say to her mom that she is scared of a monster in the window? I believe her! And she even knows that whatever that was …wasn't NO CAT! It just might look like it is briefly in how it crawled toward her window…..trust the little girl bcuz she saw exactly what she was scared of. A creature of some kind😱

  4. The last video, that guy Frank was stupid enough to enter those old abandoned mines. Then why what is stopping him to enter further into that creepy last old mine? He should had do that for sure.
    One thing is very sure after seeing this whole video, that there're lots of dumb stupid people in this world for sure.

  5. Happy Halloween MindJunkie!!🎃 Hope U have a good one. Love U and the channel!
    U and the Dark Knight are my top 2 Favorites ! take care 👻
    I'm always excited to see ur new uploads. 🙂

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