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Top 10 SCARY Ghost Videos To HAUNT Your Halloween
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About the Author: Rocky Kanaka
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I hate people that think it's ok to just put your dog down
How is this legal?
How beautiful
We had a bull dog one time named Judy. She came from England and was wonderful. So many precious memories with her. I hope some will adopt this dog, they will be so happy with it.
I would adopt her but I’m only 10
Omg!!! That snaggletooth is killing my soul right now. She is cuteness overload, such a sweet girl.
I wish I could have her
Has someone adopted her yet?
Any person who wants to put a dog down just because they don't want it should have their reproductive rights taken away. They are unable to care for another living soul and must be prevented from making more souls that they cannot care for or treat with respect.
I want her !!!! Now
please somebody adopt her please please
oh my ,,,,,, I am crying oh my. please somebody please I am fu,,,,,ing crying please please .
Give her back to the people that wanted to put her down. There’s no way all that treatment and surgery was financially accessible to those people, and because they’re not rich they had to choose between watching her suffer for years or ending it now. That’s fucked. Give them folks their dog back, and don’t demonize those people, you know how out of control vet bills are. I had to let one of my best friends die because I couldn’t afford explorative surgery.
Love 🎉🎉🎉
This is why I want a giant farm with expendable income so I could adopt all the unwanted puppers.
Wad she adopted?
Shnaggle Tooth approved! ❤
Call her snaggle tooth. Love that little tooth!
north america
in europe
She such a beautiful little girl. But i am partial to english bulldogs, poor little girl.
What was wrong in the first place that the owner chose euthanasia? I bet instead of working something out with the owner payment wise, the vet offered to take the dog. The owner probably loved that dog but was unable to afford whatever treatment the dog needed. Too bad.