We have decided to do our 1st long video featuring all the evidence caught during an investigation at Shipley Hall, Derbyshire instead of lots of short clips.
Shipley Hall was built in the 1300’s and demolished on the 1940’s, all that remains of the main hall are the foundations and some steps, the gatehouse which stands at the beginning of the driveway still stands and is used as tea rooms, there have been numerous reports of paranormal activity at the site. We hope you enjoy the video, please feel free to comment and to share our videos. Thanks for watching, The Past Team, God Bless & happy hunting.
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if ya wanna good site in Shipley area that's bad try the old police station on sunningdale av. ?
after you say can you say hello he says hello than he says can you say chump? then another man voice says chump, then when you say can you tell us your name one man says blue and the other one im not sure… that's what I hear
tnx 4 message for your new vid.I will enjoy. 🙂