Merdog Kito Fights With Otter Maro

Merdog Kito Fights With Otter Maro
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Merdogs and otters don’t get along because they don’t eat enough. I have reduced their food intake. First, merdog Kilu approached me and asked for food. Then, merdog Kiosk gets angry at Kilu. He barked to stop Kilu. Otter Maro loves Kilu very much. That’s why she bit merdog Kiosk suddenly. Merdog Honey always protects otter Maro and she attacked merdog Kiosk. After that, merdog Funny wanted to stop this fight but he was stopped by merdog Dodo. I really can’t intervene in these animals’ fights, they will be even angrier if they are forced to stop fighting. I just hope that I have enough food for them. So you will see them happy and playing with each other forever. Now my YouTube income is not good and I can’t do anything more in the mangrove forest. I’m sorry to make you feel unhappy, but this is my real life.


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About the Author: Admin


  1. " do something" "help the dog". How do ppl suppose you stop a wild otter from trying to maul another animal, without hurting the otter or getting attacked yourself 🤔. Animal's dont obey just bc they've been rescued. They'er wild animals. The dog's crying is disturbing but it is what it is.

  2. This guy should be charged. They are under his protection and he is trying to profit of them. Yes this is being reported and I encourage everyone else to do the same. Idc who was getting attacked this is pretty much the same as cock fighting since he is trying to profit of trapped animals.


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