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Written by: Juan
Narrated by Ty Notts: http://bit.ly/ty_notts
Music by Noiseplug: https://bit.ly/3hqOJYO
Is the 1977 transmission not super weird ?? We are literally in the age of Aquarius & it aged well tbh lol
1: A Shadow
2 &3: Hackers
4: A gag and you can see when he removes the magician's thread at 8:42. You can see him keep glancing at the glass prior to it's movement as if he's waiting for it to move.
5: This is why you don't buy crap from eBay.
Nowadays there would be chaos over a zombie apocalpyse hoax.
A mish-mash of nonsense. Don't waste your time.
#4, it didn't look like a live show, looked a lot like a pancake commercial.
The Ashtar Galactic “Command”? Don’t believe their lies. It is really the Ashtar Galactic Empire and they are poised to strike and to make slaves of us all. The AGA has unfathomably advanced technology. They can:
• Cloak into shadows that allows them to pass thru solid objects;
• Hijack alarm systems, including warning systems and fire alarms;
• Move stationary objects from a distance with their minds;
• Possess dolls and use them for intergalactic conquest.
NEVER trust the Ashtar Galactic Empire!
so fake …
The glass moving is absolutely redickulace, have they never seen condensation before? The glass sweated on the bottom and moved from water fluid. Pretty clear what happened.
Nº 1 is just an aerial camera supported by wires. And that match was in 2014, not in 1914, for people asking for the technology.
Ghosts like soccer, too!
Call me crazy but is that the Thundercat logo above the Santander signage at 2:17?
Wow what a bunch of baloney…😅
My smoke alarm goes off I have stuff fly off my mantle and lights cut on it’s on my channel
The real mystery is how somehow you're ignorant enough to believe "Norfolk" is pronounced "norr-foke". Jesus christ, is it really that difficult to look up the pronunciation of things before recording them? It's not some kind of hardship, it takes literally only seconds to do.
Most of these really aren't unexplained though are they.
Yeah—what a useless waste of time.
#5 shadow is not a person…. it really doesn't look like a person.
#4 stupid but not hard to pull off
#3 same as 4
#2 water under the glass, condensation… maybe
#1 ridiculous
i can bend spoons with mind power.
So you knoe, at the end, the talk show hosts for thismorning is NOT Holly and phillip in this episode 😂
Phillip Showfield 😂😂😂😂
OMG you talk too much man just get to the video. Dark moody music, captions intro, video. That's all you need
They had the doll on a rocking chair for live tv. 😂😂😂 so fake.
Pretty sure the football "ghost" is the shadow of a camera on a zip wire. And it looks like a person moving because the shadow is moving over a surface which is uneven.
MAX HEADROOM!!!!!!!!!!
A very boring video.