From a creepy video that might show a ghost caught on camera to scary footage of a possible cryptid lurking in the forest, these creepy videos will summon the final boss. #Creepy #Compilation #SlappedHam
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Aftermath – Madness Paranoia by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100575
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Apprehension – Supernatural Haunting by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100327
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Blue Sizzle – Madness Paranoia by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100385
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Gathering Darkness by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100849
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Why are half of the videos filmed with a potato? Why I ask? Why? 🤷♂️
#50:04 Never underestimate the power of a potty chair 😅😅😂😂!! A "Depends" wouldn't hold up if I had to deal with that situation 😂😂😂!!
O1:00:33 Could have been a digital frame with several slideshow of the family member.
#44:04 That's not wind. I can't 💯👍 state what it actually is, but I'm feeling that 99.9999⁹⁹% certain that it's not wind.
The video with dog in cage beeing lifted up looked weird. But first thought that went to my mind, that it were animal cruelty to put a dog in a cage when owner is not home. Why use a dog-cage for other purposes then when to transport the animal?
#42:05 A couple of these clips have been previously shown on your ( #Slappedham ) page. This is one of the previous shown. I have the same answer as before… I'd rather deal with a naked person than with a cryptid, anytime, anywhere!!
#31:46 💯 weird.
#29:25 … I 💯👍 feel that this was the real deal. Whatever happened to his traveling partner? She is noted/seen traveling with him, but, she's not seen or mentioned in this particular video.
#12:18 After the boxes are pulled out of frame, I noticed the workers shadow being foreshadowed by a darker, human-looking shadow. Within a split second, the worker hits the floor. It would appear as though the shadow grabbed the employees feet & took off with the employee, in tow. If it's a hoax, it's quite a detailed one. If I were said employee, I'd be resigning after that attack.
First video is definitely a sound that could lead to demonization. That was people fucking for sure
Honestly in the UK I would suggest he came across a popular woodland hobby called dogging.
1st obviously people screaming
2nd sheep walking in circle, of course no contact reaction from the farm 🙄🤣
3rd. Set up cringe for clout….😂
4th. Shit editting, can you explain when the thing happen there's always poor quality and why didnt the dog squel 😂
5th. Let film in the dark with tourch on and mild fire not a bombfire 😂
6th. Yes, supposive nap, clout
7th. 🤣 pure set up, amazingly the company never reported it and the footage got leaked.
8th.🤣 religous scams have imporved but yet amature 🤣
9th 🤣 of course no one was on the site including security and the vlogger never notice it and his poor edditing skill till after.
10th. Uploaded by a content creator called "vision paranormal" and with a found footage story with bad quality 🤣 who the fuck uses a camcorder these days 🤣
11th. Jesus 🤣 staged for clout
12th. Fascinating that it recorded on phone and the the original content isnt 🤣 reasons? 🤣
13th. Failing youtuber looking to revive his channel via idiots who believe this crap 🤣
14th. Oh jesus another hospital recored via phone and not the original footage 🙄 🤣also why is the dissued wing getting power, talk about a wasted of energy 🤣
15th. Oh jesus 🤣 fishing cord
16th. Lets camp in haunted forest, gunshots! Lets exculde hunters and blame paranormal. No camp fire and turns off torch 🤣 please give me views 🤣 also i paid the person for extra view for my channel. Oh look i turned my light again expecting nothing to happen and returns to his plot armor tent. Absolute cringe 🤣 also still making content 🤣
17th. Unreal quality 🤣 standard paranormal video
18th. Unreal editing 🤣 also no location given.
19th. Oh i'm so startled 🤣 oh that in the ocean on both sides is a line 🤣 also paid actor for clout
20th. Oh jesus another camper. Decides to stay in his truck for views instead of getting away. Also "he" 🤣 clout clout clout
21st. 🤣🤣🤣 its editing
22nd. Editting again 🤣 also great quality 🤣
23rd. "Paraormal investigators" clout clout clout 🤣
24th. Amazing quality once again and nothing said about the man walking through the boxes 🤣
25th. 🤣🤣🤣 oh please stop. I cant it anymore
26th. Of course it disappears when the lights on 🤣🤣🤣
27th. 🤣🤣🤣 camera zoom and amazing quality
28th. Oh jesus 🤣🤣🤣 a draft and no handle on the door and who the fuck records a funeral 🤣🤣🤣
The eerie voice at the hospital sounds like hose washing at first (you can hear the normal water sounds), then it hits plastic of some sort with pressure and definitely makes pressure washing sounds I’ve heard many times over myself. I have no other explanation for the other things shown but I’m almost positive the eerie voices aren’t of concern.
The alien creature behind the tree the guy throws a a torch towards it put the commentators feeling to tell you is that there are eyes or lights in the camera shine in the back or what not
Wills camping trip seems to have interrupted the local dogging community
For the video about the mermaids, I can't speak for the rest of the clips, but the sounds that they recorded in the middle of the night were most likely sonar sounds coming from a military ship or something.
At the 1253 minute the African church it happens super fast but there is a streak like bullet that hits the person in the white shirt first and then it hits the woman’s black outfit. He notices it and he lifts his arm up. You can see it. It happens super fast I think he gets shot again because there’s a black spot on his shirt when he backs up and it catches on fire just like the woman’s.
When I was 10years old I was visiting my family in New York and my cousin was showing me her porcelain doll- it was a vintage clown that played music when you pushed on it- I was asking her doesn’t she ever get scared of the doll and she was confused. I asked her what if it just plays music one day and she said “I’ve had that since I was young and that had never happened “ and not even 5 minutes later it started playing music…. We had been across the room from it and didn’t touch it when she showed it too me, absolutely no one walked by it touched it nothing. She got so freaked out and locked it in a closet 😂
The Wendigo, the Wendigo… I saw him just a friend a go. Last night he lurked in Canada. Tonight on your Veranda. – Ogden Nash
Burning gas reduces oxygen in the air. Be careful.
That must be a guy waiting to go to work, can't imagine why a ghost or demon would bother bringing an umbrella.
That ain't paranormal, that's pornormal activity.
The dog in the cage seemed to lunge backward when his collar fell off. I think he felt it and tried to move away from it. The rest is speculation.
okay, a naked man with unknown intentions is a hundred times scarier than any cryptid, Period, Full stop.