Gamer Gets Violent After Losing At Fighting Game Tournament

Gamer Gets Violent After Losing At Fighting Game Tournament
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#FGC #fightinggames #salty #gamer


In this intense and shocking video, witness the explosive aftermath of a gamer’s devastating loss at CEO 2023. Fueled by frustration and anger, this gamer’s emotions boil over, leading to a jaw-dropping attempt at physical confrontation. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of maintaining sportsmanship, respect, and emotional well-being in the gaming community. Let me know what you think down in the comments below!


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About the Author: VergilSpeaks


  1. Ooo my bad, there is only one Dragonball Fighterz. How come the player on the left get no damage when they both jumped and attacked at the same time? At 1;47

  2. 2:28 a 16yr can easily knock an adult out…soooo he's more then old enough to receive his receipt. 0:23 I remember watching this…this guy was so cringe. Almost had the higher ground until he started talking.

  3. Back in the 90s I used to smoke every single opponent in Street Fighter II. My initials were #1 on that arcade cabinet for 3 years. I used to purposely utilize my worst characters to tackle opponents trying to cheese me out with M. Bison Psycho Crushers. Not once did I let it go to my head, because I knew that some day, I'd go up against someone who I couldn't beat. That day came around 1995, and when it happened, I smiled, shook the guy's hand and congratulated him on a hell of a match. Some guys can't win gracefully, or lose gracefully. I always prided myself on being able to do both. It's just a game, but when it comes to this kind of thing, you're really only competing against yourself. How you behave and react says nothing about your opponent…….ever. It says everything about you……constantly.

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