Video courtesy: Jessica Silas (http://www.youtube.com/user/JSilas7)
Five people have died after a stage collapsed during a storm at the Indiana State Fair in the United States. It happened on Saturday night at the fairground in Indianapolis. Strong winds caused the stage rigging for the outdoor concert to fall, trapping and injuring around 40 people.
Trump: that was made in CHAINA!!!
Stage dive ??
So, you didn't take a hint when there were 100mph winds, that the concert probably wasn't going to happen?? Why were these idiots still standing out there? Ignorance is what got them killed, unfortunately
this was when my necie was born :c I never knew this happend and I was only 3 just like that girl with the tutu
looks 40 die
were the lights and speaker systems okay?
I saw where my son had commented on this after it happened. Easton was correct at the time, she WAS in critical condition however she ultimately GAVE the gift of life to many others & it will forever be her generous legacy! She lived nearly a week but her injuries were too severe to sustain HER own young life! Meagan was the 7th and final death as a result of this negligent tragedy! Our family and many other's who suffered through this traumatic experience are grieving and deserve respect! My cousin was only 24 years old and how dare you young punks discrace her memory with your trash talk!!??? I can only pray that her death can bring peace to you ignorant children once Meg begs God to forgive you all! She was one of the GOOD people of this Earth! RIP sweetie, Love Erin
stupid union riggers
This was so crazy. Poor people::(
too fat to move away? if u watch the video it collapses in less than 5 seconds
Cheap fair stage. I wonder what happened to the giant wheel.
Very sad. God bless.
We *almost* went there that evening, but we opted for a pageant last minute in Louisville instead. We definitely made the right choice!! And for the record, there was a tornado in Louisville when we were there, but the worst it did was uproot a big oak tree and block the way to McDonalds lol
Said by an American.
lol, retarded americans cant even build a stage right and are to fat to move away when it collapses
I was there 2 days before this. My teacher was there when it collapsed, my teacher is not a liar.I live in Indiana, I was at someone who is very closes' house.We had to leave because of the weather conditions. I was a bit scared, the wind was rocking the car.I look outside,even though it wasn't that late,the sky was completely dark.My dad got on his phone,and he has news on there, and he informed us that the stage collapsed,I was so sad,I remained silent the rest of the night. Don't say its fake
Are you fucking retarded? Watch the news much idiot, it was not fake. Seven people died, and 58 people were injured. I hope you die and go to hell!
You. Stupid. Fuck
This isn't fake because I live in Indianapolis,Indiana
When did i say "fuck" ? I'm not arguing with anyone either
lol that shits funny
You're so fucking stupid, my friends dad was there and a piece of the stage tore a hole in his shirt, cutting him open with a huge gash.
Funny, those real actors DIED.
those fuckers deserved it 🙂
If you were there, you would know the winds were not nearly as strong as those. And Insomniac could've handled the situation way better than they did.
and THIS is why EDC had to get cancelled on Saturday. can't believe people were bitching about it. they all need to see this video and stfu.
The band is getting sued for insisting on having the concert during a severe storm.
I mean no harm, only to say the language you are using is inappropriate ever, I realize you hurt, that's a given. It is not funny nor fake, it is a horrible accident.
You can see the fucking people get crushed underneath the rigging. My condolences to those who lost family members.
@OmarSouleyman You are a sick man, people died.
that makes USA look bad
*cover breakaway fail* the structure was just fine. its the tarp like material on top of the rig that wasn't tied off right. had it broken away properly, the wind would have passed right through the rig and wouldn't have been pulled down nearly as easily.
Hi everyone
i have a friend from Indianna some area they call it ODON
i mean any body here from indianna
can u told me its a indianna a nice state or BaD one ?
sorry my english its very bad
@TheKing3234 sorry im gonna sound like a dick, but dont joke about this.
i was there for my 14th birthday present that was THE most horrifying, traumitizing day of my life. for 3 months, everytime i listened to my favorite band,(sugarland) i would cry, everytime. my school had a stage built in the gym for a assembly & i couldnt even attend. i was 4 hours from home my phone had died. we made a local paper in lebanon w/our story. alot of bad things happend.. lost $200, hail dinted my aunts corvette, & the stage collapse at the worst. its NOT funny & its really serious.
ake a fus ro dah out of this
Damn it, God. Why couldnt you wait till Bieber was up in that stage? R.I.P. those ppl 🙁
You're always gonna have conspiracy theories to EVERYTHING. Just ignore their ignorance. RIP to the victims. & pray for the families.
What is an English woman doing on a Russian news channel? Ruskies dont speak English
Anyway for those criticising people who laughed… i did initally laugh when the stage fell (wasn't aware of this incident or that people died as i don't think this made news in England). It kinda looked innocuous/harmless but that obviously wasn't the case. Very sad for those poor folks who died. RIP.
@MatrixFactoryGuy haha your funny
Fake? really? My cousin was there! Apparently you've never witnessed a storm before.
your mom is fake
That News girl is SUPER HOT !
How the fuck can people sit there and say this shit is fake? Fucking idiots
i hate to think how much equipment was damaged 🙁