URUGUAY is sinking! STORM Most Terrifying in History, People Called For Help, Cities Destroyed
On December 1, 2023, a storm, a brutal reminder of the capriciousness of natural disasters, unleashed its fury on Uruguay’s southern region.
This natural disasters brought with it a deluge of challenges. Montevideo, the heart of the nation, was besieged by this natural disasters, transforming into an aquatic landscape of turmoil and distress.
As dawn broke, ominous clouds heralded this natural disasters, awakening the populace to a day unlike any other.
Torrential rain, a hallmark of such natural disasters, combined with fierce winds, ravaged Montevideo, a city unprepared for the magnitude of this natural disasters.
In mere hours, the relentless onslaught of this natural disasters accumulated rainfall surpassing the average of the previous five months, thrusting Montevideo into a critical state of alert.
The natural disasters impact was starkly evident as half of the capital submerged under floodwaters, rendering its streets navigable only by boat.
The relentless natural disasters stranded vehicles, turning major thoroughfares into rivers of despair.
Commerce halted; schools shuttered – the city’s vibrancy dimmed under the shadow of this natural disasters.
As the natural disasters chaos spread, the city plunged into a palpable darkness, its streets barricaded by the relentless waters.
This natural disasters not only flooded streets but also instilled a pervasive sense of disarray and helplessness, as residents grappled with the unpredictability and severity of such natural disasters.
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• Previous Episode: https://youtu.be/sjo4PNEVMDk
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Watch our “INDIA now! Dam Destroyed, Monster Flash Flood & Landslide Washed Millions of Houses & Cars”
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Watch our “Washington is in chaos! STORM / Severe Flash Flood Devastates Towns | Natural Disasters”
Video here: https://youtu.be/ExvDDdA6CXM
00:00 – natural disasters
00:21 – uruguay flood
02:21 – uruguay storm
04:32 – uruguay rain
07:13 – uruguay news
10:31 – flood in uruguay
13:13 – uruguay floods
16:28 – uruguay weather
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This Video researched by: Josue Anderson
Address: 2792 Raynor Valleys East Oriemouth, NM 58525
Geographic coordinates: 72.429565,16.739203
Mother’s maiden name: Mann
Date 1958-10-15
Age 64 years old
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contact: 3winmedia@gmail.com
Copyright Music By:
Adrev for a 3rd Party
and other artists
Background music is used in the video by Kevin MacLeod, licensed under the Creative Commons – Attribution 4.0 License. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/…
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-…
Artist: http://incompetech.com
URUGUAY is sinking! STORM Most Terrifying in History, People Called For Help, Cities Destroyed
Hey!! Many of this images/video are not from Uruguay storm from the last days. Please be more accurate!
This narrator is politically biased because he mentioned every city having weather dusasters but when it came to the SINK HOLES 🕳 in CHINA 🇨🇳 he was ignoring it. It so happens that China's communist government is so corrupt that they steal most of the money for any public construction ending up using cheap and weak materials which when it comes to roads and bridges, turn out to Collapse under the weight of everyday traffic use. Even the weight of tiny chinese people cause sudden collapsing of sidewalks! 😂😅
one has to question as the the Hawai fires – why we never hear about the 100 high energy Harp type weather station around the globe – are these natural or directed by the satanic elite?
Thumbnailphoto and Title ….A masterpiece of Clickbaits
weather modification or the end of the world
And people are still driving in the water! Fools
Like in the days of Noah. We are in The End Times. Read the Bible in The Revelations and The Book of Truth. These are signs Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ returns soon. So prepare the Way for The Kingdom of God At Hand. REPENTANCE, Forgiveness and Love one another. Humanity still cannot see signs are all around us. Repent and return to Father God Almighty.✝️🙏🙏🙏💜💙♥️📢📢📢Repent, repent, repent😭😭😭
I could not imagine the sounds of destruction.
More than half of the imagines are from other countries. There are not from Uruguay.
Father Yahweh is trying to get peoples attention Romans 10:13 For Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved 🙏🕊️
IF Israe _LIE CLAIMING to be the People, they sho don't have NO faith in the MOST HIGH.
Only the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob can do this!
He wars not with objects man has made.
Mi nombre es el FIN
quedará destruida
Junio 2024 preparen sus casas / agua, alimento, medicina 😞❗🙌
Saya melihat kejadian alam di uruguai ini menakutkan ya jadi jangka panjang hidup manusia makin sulit dan badai pasti semakin besar jadi kita sebagai manusia harus menyadari ini kemarahan dari Tuhan jadi kita banyak salah baca kitab yehezkil 13:13 dan matius 24:37
It's almost like Joe Biden just went through a blowhard that creates disaster everywhere he blows through
That sink hole with the trees being sunk into the water and the rubber like border around it looked like from the sink holes of the salt mins that opened up in the U.S. Southern state! Why show that!?! Ugh no one can just send normal information but hype and out of context!
The beginning of sorrows, make peace with our Creator
So terrifying .
Once those cars are filled with water they will never go again . Feel for hospital staff trying their best t help the patients
Везёт у Свят рост ещё круче практика Когда Па зырит а им при рост папе их видя ещё в обол не от траха… Везёт святым и практика выше и обол не ебли и хуй че стирка скажет РФ 805+ей ..
God's shaking so many countrys
Пока все не начнут верить в богов природы вселеной,души святых предков земли,не перестанут вредить,воровать ,использовать служебные положения в личных целях обогащения,захваты,нарушая все законы мироздания,федеральные законы,не организуют ся против корупционеров воров,захватчиков фашистов..если не борются с грешниками ,значит прислуживают им ,соответственно грешат ,ведь олигархи через банды шестерок послушных ,грабят народы,вредят природе,сами они бездельники халявщики..
H.A.A.R.P. and cloud seeding have done a wonderful job making rain.
But, of course, that isn't considered Climate Change. I feel so guilty.
Sending prayers and strength to the people of Uruguay…….Spain and the World!!!🌎🕊️🕊️🕊️from Taos, New Mexico ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Geoengineering, cloud seeding
All man made.
Stop excessive CLOUD SEEDING ⛅ ⚡ ☔