This is a compilation of 8 hours of Historical True Crime Documentaries | SKD
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Ding Dong the witch is dead ! 🤮
As part of their hostage status the boys were without a doubt raped which was where a lot of the hatred vlad had for the Turks came from.
Why try sugar coat it???
Vampires are based on jews
I think im a psychopath, definitely a narcissist
Great episode, nice to have it last all day at work. Doubled up in Ruth Brown but oh well
Thank SKD❤
Hay, my 39th great grandfather is Charles “the hammer” Martel …
6 minutes in I'm going back to FBI files
A 200-300 pound woman is rather normal now
😲 To each their own, but why in heavens name would I want to listen to stories about "sexual cannibalism" as a means to fall asleep? Thank you but I'll have to pass.
Vlad "The Impaler" 😬
SKD caught on to the fact that a lot of us use this channel to fall asleep . Thanks
They didn’t eat the penis they tried to but they found it to tough and they fed it to the dog
What about the German guy that had a person volunteer to be eaten
This video from SKD is exactly what I was looking for to understand the mindset of a serial killer. As always, these videos are incredibly accurate and insightful. I suppose you won't be releasing an episode today, but I hope you have a fantastic week, my brother.
i wish you had chaptered this post. 8 hrs is a long time, but you produce sich fine content i want to watch it all.
Perfect. Thank you!
if only each part was timestamped
I know what I'm listening to tonight for bed!
Thank youuuuu!
Long, un interrupted & normal toned narration is going to get you paid! The views & continuous views are going to pay off. Thank you for not having annoying commercials!!!
Went to sleep to it, woke up to it. Perfection!
AI gen fluff
So much better than 8+ hours of jada smith from the behaviour panel😊
Listened all last night 🌙 brilliant 👏
Yay! There’s only one you SKD.
Thank you!!! I have more content to get me theough my work days this week!
O my 😳, nite nite Doc. ✌🏼🥰
8 hours of true crime crack, let's *go*.
5:43:18 "She spent half the day over her toilet." Was Erzsebet Bathory bulimic? 🤭
Thank you
Epic narration, and fact finding, thank you.
Thanks! Btw, nu mai vazusem ala cu Vlad pana acum. Dude, nu i-a fost mila de niciunul din numele alea huh ?! lol
Off topic but we have SO many Romanian theft gangs where I live. Even the kids as young as 5. 😡
We’ll get our full 8 hours of sleep tonight
Bram Stoker actually did not base his character Dracula on Vlad The Impaler .. that is a misconception. He may have taken different aspects, but the character itself had no basis on the man.. Dracul simply meant Dragon.. Which was a family name
DRACULA in Wallachian language means DEVIL, with those capital letters. Wallachians gave the name "Dracula" to people who were especially courageous, cruel, or cunning. Stoker chose the name, it appears, because of its devilish associations, not because of the history and legends attached to its owner… Which, mind you, would be argued by people from that nation since to them he was a great leader and a hero.
He also did not willynilly kill people… The reason why his enemies were impaled and left around his grounds was to intimidate and deter attacks
Binging on SKD blood
I knw the hi2"storyy" well. But please, learn how to prononce names right. so far naah.
More than *hrs "Who's The Man?" "What A Crew!"
And if you have nothing better to do, No worries SKD is here to save the day!
Ans I mean the whole day/night ~~~ Enjoy, I know I will ~~~
I have an all night writing session tonight. This is gonna be so helpful!!! 🥰
Oh wow, thank you for this, SKD!❤
😍 ok, this made my day! This is perfect! Thank you.