NEW Ready or Not 1.0 Story Mode is AWESOME

NEW Ready or Not 1.0 Story Mode is AWESOME
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Ready or Not 1.0 is here and with it a full story career mode. I wanted to check it out and bring you along for the ride. It’s tough but a lot of fun.

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About the Author: Grey Beard


  1. On my first attempt of the streamer apartment map, the main guy took a a point-blank shotgun blast to the throat… And LIVED.

    BTW, he was running an illegal server farm. There were cables that led from his apartment to the other flat. Apparently, had he not been pranked by a disgruntled viewer, his operation would not been compromised.

    Also his mom, who you… injured was (forced?) to live in the adjacent apartment and sneaks him food through the vent in his room.

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