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About the Author: LuxuryCashClub


  1. I remember how in the army, the first thing my Krav maga instructor told us was "remember, krav maga is not a martial art, there is no art in it, if you can pick a brick and smash it in the opponents head, you do it, if you have a knife, you stab, krav maga is about survival, nothing more, nothing less"

  2. We got a jhon wick here guys… 4 dudes trying to stab you… wtf have you done to them… also, if you know how to fight, you probably can avoid a stab way easier than a normal dude… pick a knife and try on mike tyson…. we'll see if you can kill him hahah

  3. I trained Krav for years. Never met an idiot that wanted to fight someone with a knife. The goal from our coach a former marine was to hurt the guy and get away. (A unarmed guy). Krav works. It works very well. Only idiots go out looking for fights. Especially fights with weapons.

  4. Violence means : ā€œbehavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or somethingā€
    And street fights imply no rules, he tried to make it sound cool and more complexe, itā€™s not, if you go for a street fight you have to be prepared to die, thatā€™s all, and it has always been like that, itā€™s not a movie

    Learning how to fight just serves if youā€™re able to replicate, itā€™s obvious to that a sneaky attack during your sleep will be lethal, for everyone

  5. If you are in a restaurant or any room honestly, the best tip i can give is when you enter, try to memorize every door, every potential exit, every way to escape conflict, then use your legs to run boi

  6. For inecrassed safety I reccomend what I'm allrady doing. Lavel 3a soft bodyarmor u der everything pullet ressistant up to a 556(most comon ar15 cartrigel) and it is completely stab proof.

  7. Krav Maga is about avoidance, deescalation and 24/7 situational awareness. The fighting is what you ultimately try to avoid. Thatā€™s the thing most people fail to understand.

  8. I hate how there is so much misinformation whit Krav Maga. No Krav Maga it's not doing specific moves whit a specific context but rather having the ability to know what to do and not do in a street fight taking for example a knife fight Krav Maga teach you where you should aim and where you would put attention not "do this specific move in this specific moment brought to you by Urban Survival Training"

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