We took the puppies to the veterinary clinic for treatment for 2 hours. After only 2 hours, there was a great longing between the mother dog and the puppies. Because motherhood is sacred. The reunion moment of mother dog and puppies.
This is not a place where you can’t watch the next video of a rescued animal. On this channel, you can watch a rescued animal for life. Over the years we have saved the lives of hundreds of dogs in this forest. They all managed to survive. So how do these dogs survive? Because all the dogs in this forest are regularly treated by our channel and they are immune to diseases.
Since the puppies are 45 days old, the first dose of combination vaccine was administered today. A second dose of vaccine will be administered 21 days later. In this way, puppies will be immune to canine parvovirus (CPV).
Ciao Onur sto guardando questo video oggi 8 agosto 2023, giornata mondiale del gatto.
So che tu e tua moglie avete tanti impegni e vi adoperate in tutti i modi per sfamare, curare, assicurare un rifugio a tanti poveri micini che, senza la vostra generosità, si troverebbero in gravi difficoltà. Per questo faccio tanti Auguri a voi e ai pelosetti perché tutto vada per il meglio e i vostri sogni si avverino.
Un grande abbraccio ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Господи, как трогательно! Низкий поклон вам!🙏❤️🐕
Thank you to hello those adorable puppies ! Do you sterilised them ?
Как хорошо что в мире много добрых и отзывчивых людей, нас спасает любовь, красота, сочувствие, доброта и пусть это многократно увеличивается
Бедные животные!!! Им бы в тёплый дом.
Valientes, esos hermosos bebes…mil gracias por ayudarlos..
Gracias 🙏🏻 por todo lo que hacen por los Ángeles indefensos ❤
Mom is tired of being a milk machine. And probably it hurts now when they are older.
Love what you’re doing for these animals 🖤
Obedient puppies. Wonderful.
❤thank ❤you❤
Danke fürs zeigen süß danke und für die Hilfe und Unterstützung der Kätzchen
Bless you🙏🌹
So cute ❤
A mamãe sabe quando a pessoa que leva seus bebês tem bom coração e boas intenções,ela te conhece.
Thank you, Onur for your goodness and kindness to these puppies. This is what it's like to be animal steward; it's kindness, compassion and a responsibility as a good human being to make sure that there's no more suffering of all animals. 💚💛🧡.
God bless you and all the animals.🙏🙏🙏🙏✌💘
Спасибо Онур! Лайк и комментарий продвигаем добрый канал спасибо за помощь беззащитным Божьим созданиям благослови тебя Бог
Thank you, beautiful babies 🤗☺
Trabalho maravilhoso, Deus abençoe vcs 🙏🙏🙏
Thanks 🙏🙏🙏👍❤️❤️
Oh my! Momma was so concerned you could tell she was missing her babies (So 😍) then after the reunion, Momma had all her happy chick's following. So cute and funny I could hardly contain myself💕💕💕💕💕 these babies have so much personality already 😍🥰🤩 Thank you so much Onur and Cansu🙏🏻
Thank you so much for reacues I love you