Best Of Offending Everybody 2023

Best Of Offending Everybody 2023
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About the Author: OffendingEverybody


  1. Damn bro this the first video ive seen on your channel and ts so funny bruh, Have a good 2024 cant wait to see more videos in the futureπŸ˜‚ Yiu and brewstew are def my favourite yt's. Good shit bro.

  2. Why does this guy get so many subscribers as a person that is mentally challenged that has ADHD and autism I found a scary offensive and I know in your video you said I find this offensive is one of the dumbest words in the human race I think it's actually a pretty good phrase to know what you actually can't joke about like development issues

  3. Bro, this is an amazing video. I love your content, but small thing. He adapts Daniel tosh's jokes on two occasions that I caught, the first is during the casino part where he said "it's not what you think, oh, did you thing (obvious answer)" he says "glad we're on the same page", and Daniel tosh says "this isn't a game show, you don't win a prize" so that's somewhat similar, or at least the setup is. Then, on the bucket list, the same joke about making it rain and making it hail is used in Daniel tosh's special, though it's about making it hail not on homeless people, but people who dance at night. Look up these jokes if you don't believe me. Again, no hate to this dude, his videos are got tier. But just thought I'd point it out.

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