The Youtubers who DIED while Filming Videos

The Youtubers who DIED while Filming Videos
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Youtube is a platform with millions of users from countries all over the planet. While the platform has brought countless hours of laughter and entertainment to people all over the world, there are plenty of darker corners on the platform that tend to go in the other direction. There are plenty of people out there who want to push their content to the absolute limit, and there are times when this doesn’t work out in their favor. Let’s take a look at a list of Youtubers that have lost their lives while filming their videos.

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Editor: @Da_fatman


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About the Author: Dire Trip


  1. God paid her out. You are such a sweet innocent naive kid and so is your girlfriend and I feel bad for both of you, but this is the kind of generational s*** that we're dealing with here. This is what I've been talking about oh my God, I feel so bad for him. Even when he's talking about his YouTube video ways gonna show and all this c*** and what he wants to do, and he wants to get near duck lie blah blah blah, it's. It's like you can tell that then naivete in his. In his voice, you can tell he's so innocent and so dumb and just he doesn't understand what he's doing. He has no clue the danger that he's putting himself in when he's putting her in to what he's putting they're baby into it's just like what are you doing? Why would you do this? What are you thinking? Come on, Pedro and imagine being her shooting him in the chest and killing him instantly. Because that's exactly what happened and it's just A. It's a sad story. The whole thing is sad.

  2. No Pedro did this s*** on purpose. I didn't have no doubt in my mind this story was bogus. I don't believe any of it. I don't care. It was a messed up story, it was him. It was him that shot her right not her that shut him. I think, why am I having backwards either way? That's story. It sounds you know completely bogus

  3. Wow, this is not the fucking video that told me king of random died. He was my fav YouTuber in elementary school (I’m now 20), I haven’t watched him in years. I hope his family has been/is able to recover from this loss, may he forever rest in peace

  4. I don't understand why people enjoy pranks. Best case scenario, you're making a stranger uncomfortable. Worse case, you're really upsetting or embarrassing someone. I've never seen what's fun about watching someone do that.

  5. I wonder if Damn It Boy ever thought of shooting the book to see if it would go through the book before he did the stunt ?????? The only thing I have to say if he didn't>>>> Damn it boy!?!?!~

  6. 19:24 I'm sorry but the fact he's taking his sho*ting so well to joke about it like that afterwards is making me laugh. I know it shouldn't but I legit laughed at his expression here.

  7. I think he's suicidal. We just heard him say he's ready to go to heaven.
    They use 50cal in wartime against people who wear plate hangers and BP vests, armoured vehicles, not books, he knew, she even knew she was in trouble before she pulled the trigger, she threw it all away even though she knew the result?
    A bloody book, not even 2 inches thick.

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