Today we take a long look at a Vr Game called Tactical Assault. Don’t be fooled by how it looks. it is a hardcore tactical shooter! Thanks to @TimelessVRyt for trying to survive with me!
Today we take a long look at a Vr Game called Tactical Assault. Don’t be fooled by how it looks. it is a hardcore tactical shooter! Thanks to @TimelessVRyt for trying to survive with me!
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What sucks is that this is a single developer game and it just got its 3.0 i think(been a min since ive been in)
How do you get that map?
Love how timeless uses the okp even in this game because of tabor
is it free
Don't buy if you don't have a friend. Almost always 0 people online
bro the backround music is streight from cod black ops lol
i spent 5 hours on the game:/
It is awesome with a great update coming soon
Dude we assaulted very tactically in this video
bo1 soundtrack lets go
Mans said "Stop being cringe bro" That killed me
You should do a mod on seeking arrows it gives you aim bot you need to go on script beta it get the mod
There is a version on tactical assault PCVR only that add hyper realistic graphics. It's in beta, check the version you will see it there.
is this PCVR
Damn Imagine a game like Dayz like this.
Have you tried the beta realistic map?
I wish this game was on PlayStation everyone would buy it ,the graphics need a little polish but it's solid an very immersive,I love it
looks like a ripoff Onward lmao
0:53 ball pain 😔
Wow at the time of this only about 600 views😊
I love this game
More games more downloadable content more videos let’s gooo
I love this game
you should check attack on titan vr fangame it has such good physics and really good graphics
i loved the video
I love this game. I played quite a bit of it with my cousin.
My only major critique is that it needs more missions. It only has 4 good maps. (And 2 lame maps.)
If you enjoy this game, you might like Fast and Low. It has a lot of similar traits.
Good video!
The big thing this game needs is better AI, the enemies don’t seem to notice if another is killed right next to them, and it’s distracting for me, one other thing I’d like to see is that the enemies can see a blood splatter or something where they died (idk if the enemies bodies would impact performance that much but I doubt it would).
I feel like I heard of this
Glad you played this its very fun hope you play this again in the future
Hey man ur my fav Vr YouTuber keep up the good work
Wow pls pin ❤
First and love the vids