Always do this in a Street-fight!

Always do this in a Street-fight!
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Always try to de-escalate street fights at all costs. You might think that you can win the fight because you are bigger but you don’t know what will happen and you can get hurt.

This content is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Street fighting is dangerous and I do not recommend it.

Tony Jeffries and his team are not responsible for any harm or injuries caused by attempting these techniques. These videos are not a substitute for personal defense advice from a professional. Consult with a professional for advice tailored to your specific circumstances.

#selfdefense #streetfight


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About the Author: Tony Jeffries


  1. I broke mt teeth and my jaw. I have been to the dr like 10 times for new teeth and bite guards so I can use my jaw to eat food. My jaw would otherwise be stuck shut daily unable to eat. Only fight if you are protecting yourself or someone close to you

  2. Im sorry but if some dude is swinging on me im not going to actively deescalate the situation.. thats like rolling over and submitting and thats another way to get seriously injured. Defend yourself simple as that.

  3. Soooo all of your fight training is for???? I’ve been in like 10 street fights and almost all were unavoidable. So I used my 10+ years of training to properly handle myself in them.

  4. Agree — people get killed in fights – one wrong fall or unknown weak brain vessel — not to mention the potential legal consequences. I KNOW it is hard to turn away, but it is quite dangerous for both participants.

  5. De-Escalate at all costs and..
    -quickly develop a reputation as a fat Pu$$
    -become unattractive to women
    -get constantly taken advantage of by every bully within 100 miles
    -wake up every morning saying to yourself “I’m a big pu$$
    -lose respect of your friends and acquaintances
    -become a Beta
    -remain a virgin for life

    I’d rather die fighting than live with all of that pathetic existence

  6. Don't drink, don't do hard drugs, and don't hang out with drunks or druggies. Follow that advice, and you'll avoid about 90% of streetfight scenarios.

  7. You can get seriously hurt, you can unintentionally seriously hurt someone.
    If you re trying to de escalate you also have the advantage of being on the defensive and can counter, surprising your opponent if they persist with their aggression despite your apparent yielding.

  8. Most of these fights start with both sides having too big of egos.
    Deescalating would be silly after they both talked so much shit to each other beforehand.

  9. Yep. I Have seen many times in the pubs/discos how smallest guy try to get fight on and big guys stands behind or near like they dont know each others.

  10. Tony I love your videos, buy this video I don't agree for the most part. You have to keep in mind that running away is not always the best option. Other people have the option to run too and they might be faster then you and they could catch you.

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