Natural Disasters News Today:2 min ago! LA River Rages After Heavy Rain. Mudslides & Flash flooding in Los Angeles, California Flash flood and Mudslides in Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles flooding
Los Angeles under flash flood warning as atmospheric river pummels SoCal
37 million California residents at risk for dangerous flooding
#losangelesstorm #losangelesstorm2024 #losangelesflood
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استيقظوا … إنطلقت حملة بحث على هؤلاء القادة . اصحاب القدوة السيئة . من بعض شوخ الفكر و عجزة التطور . نصفهم من الصماصرة و نصف الاخر من القتلة . يفهمون الدين و العلم . يحبون المال جمأ . لم يحترمون جمال البيئة و كرامة الإنسان ….اوصلونا الى الشلل العالمي بالتفاهة … لم يستحيوا و لم يخجلوا من سوء تدبيرهم . لا زالوا مرابطين في مجالس القرارات و مناصب المسؤولية . يستعرضوا علينا أسلحهم المتطورة . يصلحون الشر بالشر . يعالجون التغير المناخ و الإحتباس الحراري . بالحروب. و الغلاء الاسعار . لينهبوا خيرات البلاد و العباد …..Wake up… A search campaign has been launched on these leaders. Bad people. Some of the old age of thought and the incapacity of development. Half of them from Alsamasra and the other half of the killers. They understand religion and science. They love money. They did not respect the beauty of the environment and human dignity…. They brought us to global paralysis with insignificance… They were not ashamed or ashamed of their mismanagement. They are still stationed in decision boards and positions of responsibility. They show us their advanced weapons. They fix evil with evil. They deal with climate change and global warming. with wars. And high prices. To loot the goods of the country and the servants. ..
Chuta tremenda cagadas ahí
Dokle god se svijet NE obrati BOGU, ISUSU KRISTU uvjek ce imati razne nevolje!! Jer je ON jedini spasitelj!!! 🗽👑✝️🕊 💔😢
It's end of world Jesus is coming
Kuala Lumpur hanya runtuh di PALASTINE sahaja..
California Amerika LAKNATULLAH sila runtuh MAMPOS di arab Saudi LAKNATULLAH bersama dengan kafir laknatullah ISRAEL LAKNATULLAH..
Assim dis o espírito Breve jesus voltarar pra sua igreja arrebatar
Xxiiii!!!!! Mais uma cidade grudenta ….. da onde vem tanta lamaceira ???? 😑🤔🤨😐😟😖😔
Oh~~Lord Jesus Christ
Maranatha Maranatha
Come, come quickly 📯☁️
That's is insane 😮
TODOS os desastres climáticos dos últimos anos e os recentes são sinais de Deus Todo Poderoso Criador do Universo/Allah e não estão relacionados à farsa do aquecimento global, a anomalia do campo magnético, as tempestades magnéticas, a crise climática ou ao Haarp, mas ao Apocalipse3
Deus Todo Poderoso Criador do Universo/Allah decretou: estamos vivendo o final do Juízo Final3 do Apocalipse3
QUEDA DO IMPÉRIO AMERICANO66, da Europa66 e de seus comparsas66 fracassados66
O Teocentrismo, o Islã, a Física Quântica e a Doutrina Espírita dominam o pensamento positivo coletivo na Transição Planetária5, CRIADA por Deus Todo Poderoso Criador do Universo/Allah
SOMENTE a fé em Deus Todo Poderoso Criador do Universo/Allah e pelos BONS COSTUMES CONSTANTES O INDIVÍDUO SERÁ SALVO3
Os Justos herdam a Terra3
O arrebatamento é para os pecadores desobedientes
RATANABÁ3 = Nova Jerusalém = Berço da Humanidade3 – Amazônia3 – Brasil
Mais informações nos canais de Urandir responde, Rafael Hungria, Otávio Reis SH360, Felipe Castelo Branco e Dakila Pesquisas